Open r-cemper opened 1 month ago
[+] Running 0/2
- Network empidemo_default Created 0.2s
- Container mpidemo Creating 0.0s Error response from daemon: mkdir D:: The system cannot find the path specified.
-- I have no drive D; on my machine !
Quick fix in docker-compose.yml
volumes: # - D:\Coding\EMPIDemo\image-iris\llm\text2vec-base-chinese:/isc/model/text2vec - .\image-iris\llm\text2vec-base-chinese:/isc/model/text2vec
Hi, Thank you for tring this demo. The transformer is not included in this repo because of it's size. You may want to download it through the link text2vec-base-chinese I put in the readme file, store it under any directory on your machine, then replace the local path in the volumns section in docker-compose.yml, then it should work.
Does this help?
[+] Running 0/2
-- I have no drive D; on my machine !
Quick fix in docker-compose.yml