I am doing local testing using Docker and Keycloak. I want to test the whole setup using self-signed certificates to replicate a production environment. The lua HTTP script seems to prevent accepting self-signed certs. I get this error when going to page that requires auth:
accessing discovery url (https://host.docker.internal/keycloak/realms/aptima/.well-known/openid-configuration) failed: 18: self signed certificate
I am doing local testing using Docker and Keycloak. I want to test the whole setup using self-signed certificates to replicate a production environment. The lua HTTP script seems to prevent accepting self-signed certs. I get this error when going to page that requires auth:
Expected behaviour
I am able to use self signed cert when making requests (discovery URL)
Actual behaviour
Minimized example
Minimal, complete configuration that reproduces the behavior.
Configuration and NGINX server log files