znuny / znuny-feature-requests

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A new setting for a custom notice on the customer login screen. #48

Open cristalink opened 1 year ago

cristalink commented 1 year ago

It would be great to be able to specify a custom notice on the customer login screen (CustomerLogin.tt).

For example, Znuny doesn't seem to support Single Sign On (OAuth 2.0 Login), so the notice could inform customers that they need to create a separate account for the ticket system. This would help to avoid any confusion.

Currently, I need to edit CustomerLogin.tt for this.


stephan14x commented 1 month ago

I would expand this to inform users about current issues or planned outages, maybe even with start and end times for scheduling when a notice is visible. Not only on the customer login screen but also on the agent login. And as a ribbon in both customer and agent interface between navigation and content, for a time with SSO. Thanks