zoonomen-APP / Lichen

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## Identify fields to extract to submit as data supporting the paper. #18

Open zoonomen-APP opened 1 week ago

zoonomen-APP commented 1 week ago

With the exception (important exception) of "id" all the fields in our supporting dataframe should be APP/JWH derived fields. Will initially list them and worry about the sequence later.

  1. id
  2. ? BotGZ
  3. countyAPP
  4. stateProvinceAPP
  5. YearMoDay (which)
  6. recordedByAPP
  7. eventDateANDPseudodateAPPed
  8. localityAPPed
  9. ? reference? or just show how to turn id into appropriate URL. that links to the CHL data display page, sometimes including link to image. I think just the id. possibly occurenceId -- check this to be present 100% of the time. NOPE not present 100% of the time, and not consistent in orthography.