zorbash / kino_kroki

A Livebook smart-cell to render diagrams powered by Kroki.io
MIT License
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Kino lab alternative implementation #1

Open djcoin opened 2 years ago

djcoin commented 2 years ago

Just to let you know that this was implemented at KinoLab a few months ago, it also uses "post" HTTP request which is simpler (avoid zlib and such) https://github.com/jonatanklosko/kino_lab/commit/99f0b6ea0b603a73eaf5bb2dc96bed78242e57d5

Cheers !

zorbash commented 2 years ago

Hi @djcoin thanks for pointing this out. I knew I'd seen an Elixir Kroki implementation somewhere, but couldn't remember where. Making the request a POST might make sense, I'll measure both and possibly change it.