zorun / kea-hook-runscript

This a hook for the Kea DHCP server that allows to run an external script at various points in the processing of DHCP requests and responses.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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About kea-hook-runscript

This a hook for the Kea DHCP server that allows to run an external script at various points in the processing of DHCP requests and responses.

The goal is to simplify integration with Kea: for many simple use-cases, it is overkill to have to write a full-blown Kea hook, where a simple shell script can do the job.

This hook is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2 (MPL2).

What it can and can't do

Integration is mostly done one-way: thanks to this hook, Kea passes information to the external script, but the script cannot easily modify Kea's behaviour.

The external script can be any kind of executable program, but often it will be a simple script (shell, Perl, Python...). Information about what Kea is doing is provided to the external script through environment variables: MAC address of the requesting DHCP client, IP address being handed out, etc.

Each time Kea encounters a hook point, it will (by default) call the script synchronously. That is, Kea will do absolutely nothing else while the script is running. Thus, it is a good idea to perform only lightweight processing in the script, and absolutely avoid blocking operations. Also, scripting languages that need to initialise a huge interpreter (such as Python or Ruby) will cause a large amount of CPU usage and a massive slowdown of Kea, because the script is run multiple times for each DHCP transaction.

If you know what you are doing, you can optionally call the script asynchronously by setting wait to false (see below).

This hook works for both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, on Kea 1.1 and above.

In the future, the hook will possibly feed the return code of the external script back into Kea. This would allow the external script to cancel part of Kea's normal processing (for instance, it could be possible to easily implement a flexible host blacklist this way).


Since Kea 1.9.5, a similar hook is provided by ISC: https://kea.readthedocs.io/en/latest/arm/hooks.html#run-script-support

It has similar functionalities: information is passed to the script through environment variables. However, only asynchronous execution is supported in ISC's hook, at least as of Kea 1.9.5.

Which hook to use is up to you: the ISC one will probably be better maintained when new versions of Kea come out, while this one supports synchronous execution which is safer. Also, environment variables are different between the two hooks, which can be an important factor if you need to process specific sub-options in your script.


Given the limitations exposed above, here are some example use-cases for which this hook is well-suited:

For more complex use-cases, including non-trivial changes to Kea's behaviour, it may be easier to just write a Kea hook yourself.


If you have more examples of usage, feel free to contribute your Kea config and your scripts!

Managing routes for IPv6 delegated prefixes

When delegating IPv6 prefixes with DHCPv6-PD, it is necessary to add the corresponding routes in the kernel.

This example script adds/removes static IPv6 routes whenever Kea delegates an IPv6 prefix through DHCPv6-PD or when the lease expires.

See the included README for more explanations and the source with the script and an example Kea configuration.

Handing out IPv4 addresses in /32 subnets

This example allows to lease IPv4 addresses individually (/32 subnets), by inserting routes in the kernel each time a DHCP client connects, and sending custom routes to clients using DHCP option 121. This is mostly useful to hand out public IPv4 addresses to customers.

See the included README for more explanations and the source with the script and an example Kea configuration.

Debug script

To experiment, a simple debug script is provided: examples/debug.sh. It simply prints the name of the hook point and all environment variables passed to it.

The output of the script is at /tmp/kea-hook-runscript-debug.log. A nice way to debug is to continously display the content of this file:

tail -F /tmp/kea-hook-runscript-debug.log

Pre-built binaries

Since version 1.4.0, we have a CI system to build the hook on various OS and for various versions of Kea. It's new, so there might be bugs.

The binaries are available from the release page or you can directly browse through the pipeline results.

How to build

If you want to build the hook yourself, you need the Kea libraries as well as the Kea and Boost development headers.

Using a packaged version of Kea

If you use a Kea package, you need the appropriate development packages:

If you prefer using the Kea package from Debian, install kea-dev instead. However, it is currently unsupported and is only available in sid.

Then, to build the hook, simply run:

$ make -j4

Using Kea source

To build against a local Kea source tree, assumed to be in ~/kea:

Then build this hook with:

$ export KEA_INCLUDE=$HOME/kea/src/lib
$ export KEA_LIB=/tmp/kea/usr/local/lib
$ make

Supported Kea versions

Some notes on Kea versions:

How to use this hook

If all goes well, you should obtain a kea-hook-runscript.so file. Then, here is how to tell Kea to use this hook, for DHCPv4:

  "hooks-libraries": [
      "library": "/path/to/hea-hook-runscript/kea-hook-runscript.so",
      "parameters": {
        "script": "/path/to/myscript.sh",
        "wait": true

The wait parameter indicates whether Kea waits for the script to exit. That is, if set to true, Kea will block while the script is running. If you need high-performance DHCP, you can set it to false, but you must be prepared to handle several instances of the script running in parallel.

You can use the same script for both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, or use two different scripts.

The script will receive the name of the hook point as first argument, and all relevant information available at the current hook point will be passed as environment variables, documented below.

To debug, see the examples/debug.sh script described above.

Refer to the Kea documentation for more information about each hook point:

Frequently Asked Questions

I get "Operation not permitted" when trying to add route in my script

The script is run with the same user as Kea: if this is not root, then the script will not have permission to change the routing table.

Either run Kea as root, or use a passwordless sudo configuration, see issue 24.

Reference of variables passed to the external script

DHCPv4 variables

Here are all possible variables for DHCPv4, with their type, description and reference of the possible values. Booleans are simply expressed with 0 and 1.

Variable name Type Description Reference
KEA_QUERY4_TYPE string Type of DHCP message dhcp/dhcp4.h
KEA_QUERY4_INTERFACE string Interface on which query was received
KEA_QUERY4_IFINDEX int Index of the interface on which query was received
KEA_QUERY4_HWADDR string Hardware address of the client (its MAC address)
KEA_QUERY4_HWADDR_TYPE int Type of hardware address dhcp/dhcp4.h
KEA_QUERY4_HWADDR_SOURCE int How this MAC address was obtained dhcp/hwaddr.h
KEA_QUERY4_RELAYED bool Whether query was relayed dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_QUERY4_RELAY_HOPS int Number of relay agents traversed
KEA_QUERY4_OPTION60 string Option 60 - vendor id
KEA_QUERY4_CIADDR string Client IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_QUERY4_SIADDR string Server IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_QUERY4_YIADDR string Your IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_QUERY4_GIADDR string Gateway IP address (inserted by DHCP relay) dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_QUERY4_RAI string Relay Agent Information (RFC 3046) as hex string
KEA_QUERY4_RAI_CIRCUIT_ID string RAI sub-option 1 Circuit id (RFC 3046) as hex string
KEA_QUERY4_RAI_REMOTE_ID string RAI sub-option 2 Remote id (RFC 3046) as hex string
KEA_RESPONSE4_TYPE string Type of DHCP message dhcp/dhcp4.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_INTERFACE string Interface on which response is being sent
KEA_RESPONSE4_IFINDEX int Index of the interface on which response is being sent
KEA_RESPONSE4_HWADDR string Hardware address of the client (its MAC address)
KEA_RESPONSE4_HWADDR_TYPE int Type of hardware address dhcp/dhcp4.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_HWADDR_SOURCE int How this MAC address was obtained dhcp/hwaddr.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_RELAYED bool Whether response is relayed dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_RELAY_HOPS int Number of relay agents traversed
KEA_RESPONSE4_CIADDR string Client IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_SIADDR string Server IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_YIADDR string Your IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_RESPONSE4_GIADDR string Gateway IP address dhcp/pkt4.h
KEA_SUBNET4_PREFIX IPv4 IP prefix of the subnet (without prefix length)
KEA_SUBNET4_PREFIXLEN int Prefix length of the subnet (0 to 32)
KEA_LEASE4_ADDRESS IPv4 IPv4 address leased to client
KEA_LEASE4_TYPE string Type of lease, always equal to "V4"
KEA_LEASE4_HWADDR string Hardware address of the client
KEA_LEASE4_HOSTNAME string Hostname associated to the client
KEA_LEASE4_STATE string Current state of the lease dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_LEASE4_IS_EXPIRED bool Whether the lease is expired
KEA_LEASE4_CLIENT_LAST_TRANSMISSION int Unix timestamp of the last message received from the client dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_LEASE4_VALID_LIFETIME int Valid lifetime of the lease, in seconds dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_REMOVE_LEASE bool Whether the lease should be removed from the lease database DHCPv4 hook API
KEA_FAKE_ALLOCATION bool Whether the query is a DISCOVER or a REQUEST DHCPv4 hook API

DHCPv4 hook points

For each Kea hook point, here are all variables usable in the external script.










DHCPv6 variables

Here are all possible variables for DHCPv6, with their type, description and reference of the possible values. Booleans are simply expressed with 0 and 1.

Variable name Type Description Reference
KEA_QUERY6_TYPE string Type of DHCPv6 message dhcp/dhcp6.h
KEA_QUERY6_INTERFACE string Interface on which query was received
KEA_QUERY6_IFINDEX int Index of the interface on which query was received
KEA_QUERY6_HWADDR string Hardware address of the client (its MAC address)
KEA_QUERY6_HWADDR_TYPE int Type of hardware address dhcp/dhcp4.h
KEA_QUERY6_HWADDR_SOURCE int How this MAC address was obtained dhcp/hwaddr.h
KEA_QUERY6_LOCAL_ADDRESS string Local IPv6 address on which the query was received (link-local or multicast) dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_QUERY6_REMOTE_ADDRESS string Remote IPv6 address, from which the query was received (link-local) dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_QUERY6_LABEL string Unique identifier of the query, to be used e.g. in log messages dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_QUERY6_TRANSACTION_ID int Transaction ID of the query dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_TYPE string Type of DHCPv6 message dhcp/dhcp6.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_INTERFACE string Interface on which response is being sent
KEA_RESPONSE6_IFINDEX int Index of the interface on which response is being sent
KEA_RESPONSE6_HWADDR string Hardware address of the client (its MAC address)
KEA_RESPONSE6_HWADDR_TYPE int Type of hardware address dhcp/dhcp4.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_HWADDR_SOURCE int How this MAC address was obtained dhcp/hwaddr.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_LOCAL_ADDRESS string Local IPv6 address, from which the response is being sent (link-local or multicast) dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_REMOTE_ADDRESS string Remote IPv6 address, to which the response is being sent (link-local) dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_LABEL string Unique identifier of the response, to be used e.g. in log messages dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_RESPONSE6_TRANSACTION_ID int Transaction ID of the response dhcp/pkt.h
KEA_SUBNET6_PREFIX IPv6 IP prefix of the subnet (without prefix length)
KEA_SUBNET6_PREFIXLEN int Prefix length of the subnet (0 to 128)
KEA_LEASE6_TYPE string Type of lease, either "NA", "TA", or "PD" dhcp/lease.h
KEA_LEASE6_ADDRESS IPv6 IPv6 address leased to client
KEA_LEASE6_DELEGATED_PREFIX string For TYPE="PD", prefix delegated to client (in prefix/prefixlen form)
KEA_LEASE6_DELEGATED_PREFIXLEN int For TYPE="PD", length of the prefix delegated to client
KEA_LEASE6_CLIENT_DUID string DUID of the client
KEA_LEASE6_HWADDR string Hardware address of the client
KEA_LEASE6_HOSTNAME string Hostname associated to the client
KEA_LEASE6_STATE string Current state of the lease dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_LEASE6_IS_EXPIRED bool Whether the lease is expired
KEA_LEASE6_CLIENT_LAST_TRANSMISSION int Unix timestamp of the last message received from the client dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_LEASE6_VALID_LIFETIME int Valid lifetime of the lease, in seconds dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_LEASE6_PREFERRED_LIFETIME int Preferred lifetime of the lease, in seconds dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_LEASE6_IAID string Identity Association Identifier, to differentiate between IA containers dhcpsrv/lease.h
KEA_REMOVE_LEASE bool Whether the lease should be removed from the lease database DHCPv6 hook API
KEA_FAKE_ALLOCATION bool Whether the query is a SOLICIT or a REQUEST DHCPv6 hook API

DHCPv6 hook points

For each Kea hook point, here are all variables usable in the external script.












Some bugs to investigate/fix in Kea: