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Add "jurisdiction" field to report type #46

Open fbennett opened 12 years ago

fbennett commented 12 years ago

Reports issued by government bodies are formatted differently from reports by private entities in some styles. See OSCOLA examples at the bottom of section 3.4.2, and the Whittaker example in section 3.4.1:


Adding the "jurisdiction" field to reports would cover this case nicely.

bdarcus commented 12 years ago

Thinking forward, what should the value of the field be, and how would that align with CSL?

Am not a fan of the earlier tendency to treat almost everything as string.

fbennett commented 12 years ago

The current description of MLZ extension calls for a urn:lex identifier. My first-cut draft for a list is in the extended schema source. I put out a call for comments to people who run or are associated with sites that disseminate primary law. No response. I'll keep trying, eventually we'll get some feedback.

JohnLukeBentley commented 6 years ago

I'd also suggest adding a "jurisdiction" field to the "statute", "patent" and "case" (?) types.

From CSL 1.0.1 http://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#standard-variables

jurisdiction geographic scope of relevance (e.g. “US” for a US patent)

fbennett commented 6 years ago

For anyone who drives by this thread, the "MLZ extension" referred to above is now Juris-M, and the identifiers used by the system are currently hosted on GitHub as a Legal Resource Registry. There will be some action in that space over the coming months.

JohnLukeBentley commented 6 years ago

@fbennett, we'll lo and behold, it looks like you've gone ahead and created everything Zotero does with robust support for legal referencing.

I see, for a start, the "jurisdiction" field added to the "statute", "patent" and "case" types. Moreover, the Jurisdiction field is a drop down box that sources values from your "Legal Resource Registry".

Looks like you've done some enormous work there.

I've been on the cusp of designing my own legal style, because existing styles seemed not quite right, it looks like Juris-M and possibly one of your existing styles might sort me out.

Not wanting to drag this thread off topic ... On your home page https://juris-m.github.io/ you mention "Juris-M is free software". Do you mean this in the "freedom" sense (if so I can't see where you are hosting your source code)?

Also might github issues be a better place for discussions on Juris-M than mailing lists?

gracile-fr commented 6 years ago

(@JohnLukeBentley, the source code is here : https://github.com/Juris-M/zotero/tree/jurism-5.0)

fbennett commented 6 years ago

@JohnLukeBentley Yep. As @gracile-fr says, the source code of Juris-M is online in the clear at GitHub. It's a fork of Zotero, and so bound by the same open source license terms. I'll make a note to add a direct link to the source code repository to the website pages. The "Support" tab on the site has links to project mailing lists, feel free to pick one and subscribe for project news. The "jurism-support" list would be a good channel for floating development ideas etc.

JohnLukeBentley commented 6 years ago

Thanks @gracile-fr and @fbennett I'll see you on one of your lists.

dstillman commented 2 years ago

Would this be valuable in stock Zotero, without extended jurisdiction support? If so, thoughts on appropriate types?

bwiernik commented 2 years ago

There has been some discussion by @georgd about jurisdictions lately. I think it would make sense for the legal types--legal_case, bill, legislation, treat, legislation, regulation, report. It could be a standard field in stock Zotero, or it could have the controlled list used by Jurism

adam3smith commented 2 years ago

But would a standard field really give us much. As per Frank's OP, we'd need to somehow check content, no?

bwiernik commented 2 years ago

That's the thing @georgd and I were discussing a while back. Even basic legal citation for European contexts needs multi-jurisdiction support. The proposal was to permit content testing matching like is done with the language field, probably with a controlled vocabulary.

fbennett commented 2 years ago

If Zotero decides to take any steps in this direction, please contact @mlissner at the Free Law Project. They are a well established shop and have been working on these issues for years in the US context. They have code and expertise that would be useful.