zphhhhh / react-native-speech-iflytek

React Native 下的科大讯飞语音库,可以进行语音识别与语音合成
MIT License
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IOS crash when Recognizer.init('xxxxxxx') #31

Open AAAAAAFei opened 6 years ago

AAAAAAFei commented 6 years ago

react-native: 0.55.2 react-native-speech-iflytek: 1.0.3 xcode: 9.3

xcode 报错: Assertion failed: (severity >= 0 && severity < NUM_SEVERITIES), function SetLogDestination, file MyProject/node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4/src/logging.cc, line 595.

logging.cc: `

  1. inline void LogDestination::SetLogDestination(LogSeverity severity,
  2. const char* base_filename) {
  3. assert(severity >= 0 && severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);
  4. // Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
  5. // all this stuff.
  6. MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
  7. logdestination(severity)->fileobject.SetBasename(base_filename);
  8. }

` @zphhhhh 能帮忙看一下这个问题么

weizheng1992 commented 6 years ago

Have you solved the problem, please? I have a problem like you.

helloshuang commented 6 years ago


xll503721 commented 6 years ago

安装、链接后还须进行下面两步(以 Example 工程为例):

在 讯飞开放平台 下载组合服务 SDK (选择语音听写与在线语音合成),分别下载 Android 与 iOS 平台 SDK。

替换 SDK 文件:

使用下载 Android SDK 的 Android_voice_xxxx_xxxxxxxx/libs 文件夹替换 Example/node_modules/react-native-speech-iflytek/android/libs 文件夹; 使用下载 iOS SDK 的 iOS_voice_xxxx_xxxxxxxx/libs 文件夹替换 Example/node_modules/react-native-speech-iflytek/ios/libs 文件夹。 iOS 平台还需手动添加部分依赖库:

在 XCode 中打开 Example/ios/YourProject.xcodeproj; 将讯飞框架文件 Example/node_modules/react-native-speech-iflytek/ios/libs/iflyMSC.framework 拖入 Project navigator 的 Frameworks 下,注意选择 Copy items if needed; 添加讯飞依赖的系统库(见:科大讯飞MSC开发指南-iOS-集成流程): CoreLocation.framework CoreTelephony.framework AVFoundation.framework AddressBook.framework Contacts.framework AudioToolbox.framework SystemConfiguration.framework QuartzCore.framework UIKit.framework Foundation.framework CoreGraphics.framework


weizheng1992 commented 6 years ago

你测试 成功了? @xll503721

helloshuang commented 6 years ago

不替换ios SDK 运行成功后识别的时候不报错吗?登录失效?

greedbell commented 6 years ago

Assertion failed: (severity >= 0 && severity < NUM_SEVERITIES) 的问题有人解决吗?科大讯飞最新 SDK 在 RN 工程中还是报错。

AAAAAAFei commented 6 years ago


greedbell commented 6 years ago

@AAAAAAFei 这样不太好吧!我试下把不符合要求的都转成 0

  if (severity < 0 || severity >= NUM_SEVERITIES) {
    severity = 0;
xll503721 commented 6 years ago

@weizheng1992 我是测试过成功才这么说的

greedbell commented 6 years ago

那样之后会有新的错误 那样改了之后会有新的错误, default

basename 的地址是 0x0000000000000001 ,和 basefilename 比较的时候报 EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

helloshuang commented 6 years ago

@xll503721 不替换framework,识别时会报登录失效,只要是新下载的sdk,就汇报那个错。assert(severity >= 0 && severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);

xll503721 commented 6 years ago

@helloshuang 我的不会,我是有试过登录报错,但是是因为reload的问题,只要每次都程序重装就可以了,实际用户也不会reload的。

greedbell commented 6 years ago



按照 http://bbs.xfyun.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=39423 的回答,需要开启 bitcode。我的工程不能开启 bitcode,所以放弃了