zrisher / GardenWarfare

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Weapons should not shoot their own ships #6

Open zrisher opened 8 years ago

zrisher commented 8 years ago

There's a bug in core where your projectiles will hit your own ship even if the path in from of them is clear because they spawn too far behind the ship as its moving: http://forums.keenswh.com/threads/every-version-a-very-simple-fix-for-the-most-annoying-bug-in-se.7357571/#post-1286803557

his solution would work, there's already something similar for turrets implementation would just be at the bullet collission level instead of ray-trace before shooting

Let's fix this

zrisher commented 8 years ago


So that would fix it for those luanchers, but it's not compatable with DX11 models and I'm worried about abuse of the ability to put armor in front of your launchers with this. And we would need to do the same work for all the other guns. I think this is a good idea to have and we should build it into the weapon refactor, just do a conservative version of this for all weapons.

togosh commented 8 years ago
