I am splitting by chr, simulating each chr and then recombining. I didn't split my bed file by chr, and when I run the full bed (all chr) against a single chr fasta file, I get the following error:
for k in input_regions.keys():
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
It comes from this statement, which is python2 syntax.
for k in input_regions.keys():
if k not in ref_list:
n_in_bed_only += 1
del input_regions[k]
I believe it could be changed to for i in list(input_regions):
I am splitting by chr, simulating each chr and then recombining. I didn't split my bed file by chr, and when I run the full bed (all chr) against a single chr fasta file, I get the following error:
It comes from this statement, which is python2 syntax.
I believe it could be changed to
for i in list(input_regions):