zygmuntz / hyperband

Tuning hyperparams fast with Hyperband
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No dropout in last hidden layer? #9

Open j6e opened 6 years ago

j6e commented 6 years ago

I've been working with your code lately and I've notice that the last layer of the keras_mlp.py in both models does never apply dropout:

model = Sequential()
model.add( Dense( params['layer_1_size'], init = params['init'], 
activation = params['layer_1_activation'], input_dim = input_dim ))

for i in range( int( params['n_layers'] ) - 1 ):

    extras = 'layer_{}_extras'.format( i + 1 )

    if params[extras]['name'] == 'dropout':
        model.add( Dropout( params[extras]['rate'] ))
    elif params[extras]['name'] == 'batchnorm':
        model.add( BatchNorm())

    model.add( Dense( params['layer_{}_size'.format( i + 2 )], init = params['init'], 
        activation = params['layer_{}_activation'.format( i + 2 )]))

model.add( Dense( 1, init = params['init'], activation = 'linear' ))

As can be seen in the code, the last hidden layer can't have dropout since the dropout is coded before the layer itself. Is this intentional or it's undesired behaviour?

zygmuntz commented 6 years ago

It is probably a bug, yeah. Keras docs show dropout applied before the last layer: https://keras.io/getting-started/sequential-model-guide/