zyra / cordova-plugin-stripe

A Cordova plugin that lets you use Stripe's Native SDKs for Android and iOS.
MIT License
93 stars 57 forks source link

not really an issue just a question ... but not sure where to ask #6

Closed mdipierro closed 7 years ago

mdipierro commented 7 years ago

First of all thanks for the plugin. Question is: is this plugin just a convenience or is it necessary? Can one just stripe.js to get the token?

ihadeed commented 7 years ago

@mdipierro read my answer here: https://github.com/zyramedia/cordova-plugin-stripe/issues/3#issuecomment-277621322

ihadeed commented 7 years ago

Update: I just tried to reproduce the issue I was having initially and I failed. Not sure how I got that error message in the first place.

But anyways, I personally would rather use their native SDK because it will ensure that my stripe functionality works a 100%. Imagine a scenario where the user launches your app while they're offline, the app will try to load Stripe.js from https://js.stripe.com/v2/ and fail. Then when your app tries to call the global variable Stripe, it will return undefined and will probably cause your app to not function properly.