[x] Add tmux to management pod docker image. (@alichaddad )
[x] Suggest the user to execute the installer scripts from a tmux session in the installer (@alichaddad )
[ ] Collect errors and summarize in the end: (@alichaddad )
[x] Add documentation on how to install nodes that failed when installing all nodes. (@alichaddad )
[x] Adapt installation procedure to prevent the user from needing to copy the system-config.yaml manually in the environment. It should be downloaded automatically from meneja by default. (@alichaddad )
[x] If install_os fails on a node, retry up to three times with a 10 second pause before giving up. (@alichaddad )
[x] Provide all controller hosts with an ip in the storage network.(@deboeckj)
[x] In OVS install (@ashraffouda)
export of ENVNAME is in the wrong place
typo in copy (inventoeries)
before installing ansible instruct the user to go into the following dir:
cd /opt/code/github/openvstorage/dev_ops/Ansible/openvstorage/bin
Correct the playbook dir to /opt/code/github/openvstorage/dev_ops/Ansible/openvstorage/playbooks/
Automate adding edge username & password in grid settings
cd /opt/code/github/openvstorage/dev_ops/Ansible/openvstorage/bin