Open BlackJoker90 opened 1 day ago
That's a LOT of broken containers. Were there any errors from the script when you ran it?
Are both volume1 and volume2 btrfs? Or both ext4?
The orphaned containers script ( ) should remove the broken containers and images. But make sure you have a backup of all your docker compose files - just in case something that is currently working gets removed. If I remember correctly you should have all the working containers running so their images don't get deleted.
No errors occurred in the script; everything ran smoothly. After hours of work, I restored a Hyper Backup of my Docker folder, reinstalled the Container Manager on Volume1, and recreated all containers. Both are btrfs
However, two issues remain:
Can we resolve these two issues?
I was able to solve the first problem with the folder after I unmounted the docker volumes but I would be very happy to solve the paperless ngx redis problem
I didn't even know what Paperless NGX or redis were until a minute ago.
Does your Paperless NGX docker compose look anything like these:
I recently moved the Container Manager from Volume1 to Volume2, following the official instructions step by step. However, I am now experiencing several critical issues. While I managed to update the paths for some containers and successfully started them (as shown in the attached screenshot), many other containers are failing to start or adjust.
One of the most critical containers, Paperless-NGX, refuses to start, and I am encountering various error messages for different containers. When I try to deploy the stack in portainer nothing happens. In the Container Manager in DSM the Log says the Container is marked to removal and cannot be startet.