Open enieuwy opened 2 days ago
The script has a 5 minute timeout when stopping and starting packages. I added the timeout in case a package hangs so it won't prevent other packages from being backup or restored if "all" packages were selected.
I could change it to only use the timeout if more than 1 package is selected.
I'm curious how long Container Manager takes to start for you. Can you stop Container Manager then start it and time how long it takes?
I have about 71 containers. System resources aren't being taxed during the start/stop (much headroom remains). Watching the logs shows each container is stopped sequentially, taking 3-10 seconds each.
In total, it took 11m35s to stop Container Manager via the UI.
Restarting from the UI took 14m45s
That's a lot longer than I expected.
Do you want to try this new version.
According to my math
I could get the number of containers and multiply it 15 seconds then warn the user how many minutes starting or stopping could take.
Then set the timeout to that number plus 5 minutes.
Fixed in
I've tried to backup Container Manager (only). Reports size as 276GB. Containers are successfully exported, but then I receive the error:
In the Synology GUI, the container manager package hung at "stopping". After rebooting the NAS, container manager was stopped so I tried the backup task again. This time it failed to start:
Perhaps it just didn't wait long enough, because container manager successfully started after this error.