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Android runtime permission make easy
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Android 8.0 #33

Open bmutinda opened 6 years ago

bmutinda commented 6 years ago

Has anyone found the issue with Android versions 8.0? All the permission callbacks not working for Oneplus A300 running 8.0.

anandsvg commented 6 years ago

Same here , Android 8.0 not working

Sub-Zero-1 commented 6 years ago

Yes, Android 8.0 is not working correctly.

pmrajani commented 6 years ago

Not working in Android 8.0 please fix

xyz32 commented 5 years ago

The problem is with this change: "Also, apps targeting Android 7.0 and higher must register the CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcast using registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter). Declaring a receiver in the manifest doesn't work."

Since the code hasn't been changed in 2 years, I think the maintainers have given up in it.