01-ai / Yi-1.5

Yi-1.5 is an upgraded version of Yi, delivering stronger performance in coding, math, reasoning, and instruction-following capability.
Apache License 2.0
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从transformers推理切换到vllm推理效果变差 #7

Closed HIT-Owen closed 1 month ago

HIT-Owen commented 1 month ago

模型:01ai/Yi-1.5-9B-Chat 代码:均为官方提供的代码 生成参数:transformers和vllm生成参数均设置为temperature=0.3, top_p=0.7 问题:鸡柳是鸡身上哪个部位?

transformers生成结果: image

vllm生成结果: image


LIUKAI0815 commented 1 month ago

个人感觉和vllm的chat_template有关,参考https://github.com/QwenLM/Qwen/issues/728 https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm/issues/2051 这两个网页

LIUKAI0815 commented 1 month ago


LIUKAI0815 commented 1 month ago
