030 / n3dr

Nexus3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR) is a tool that is capable of downloading all artifacts from a Nexus3 server and to migrate them to another one.
MIT License
141 stars 37 forks source link

Make upload of docker, yum and other artifacts types #238

Open 3eka opened 2 years ago

3eka commented 2 years ago

What would you like to be added: So, I can backup my docker hosted repository - that works fine. BUT, it seems it is not possible to upload it back to nexus (check table on start page). Same is true for many other types.

Why is this needed: Well, if I can backup (for example) docker hosted repository, I would also like to be able to upload it somewhere else (another nexus instance)

If I missing it (case exists), please explain. I have read documentation (several times), and could not find options. Thanks

3eka commented 2 years ago


This was done w/o problems:

:; n3dr backup --n3drRepo my-yum --n3drUser predrag_zecevic --n3drPass *** --n3drURL ${REPO1} \
       --directory-prefix /backup/tmp/n3dr

:; cd /backup/tmp/n3dr


:; n3dr upload --n3drRepo my-yum --n3drUser predrag_zecevic --n3drPass *** --n3drURL ${REPO2}
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'maven2'
FATA[0000]/pz/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func8() no folders with .pom files detected. Please check whether the 'my-yum' directory contains .pom files

:; :; n3dr upload --n3drRepo my-yum --n3drUser predrag_zecevic --n3drPass *** --n3drURL ${REPO2} --artifactType yum
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'yum'
FATA[0000]/pz/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func8() Upload of 'yum' is not supported


3eka commented 2 years ago

And, just noticed (when backing up all repositories, from Nexus OSS 3.34.1-01):

:; n3dr repositories --backup --n3drURL http://host:port/nexus --https false --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ...
Nexus repository: 'composer_external', format: 'composer' download not supported
Nexus repository: 'test-raw', format: 'raw' download not supported

I have used repositories instead of repositoriesV2, because second one fails:

it accepts ONLY host:port for --n3drURL, but I have host:port/nexus path.

How to fix that situation (for second Nexus instance it works -- I do not have path after host:port specification)?


P.S: It would be nice to have more detailed explanation for each option (--help give just minimum).

030 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for addressing this. We will have to fix the following:

030 commented 2 years ago

@3eka Could you try 6.4.3 in conjunction with --basePathPrefix?

3eka commented 2 years ago

Tested. Seems there is other problem:

:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --backup --n3drURL FQDN:8081 --https false --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ... --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr --basePathPrefix=nexus
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr/internal/pkg/connection/connection.go:22 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/pkg/connection.(*Nexus3).Client() adding 'nexus' as a prefix to the basePath
FATA[0000]/pz/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/repositoriesV2.go:42 main.glob..func7() cannot get repository names: 'Get "https://FQDN:8081/nexus/service/rest/v1/repositorySettings": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client'

It tries https (although not specified with --https false), but accepts --basePathPrefix


3eka commented 2 years ago

Utility was built from git clone this morning, and returns no version:

:; n3dr --version
n3dr version local


030 commented 2 years ago

The version is only added by the CI. When I download one of the artifacts the the version is 6.4.3:

n3dr --version
n3dr version refs/tags/6.4.3
3eka commented 2 years ago

I have created 2 nexus nodes, both listening on https, 8443 port:

Did backup (to empty directory):

:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --backup --n3drURL OLD:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ... --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr

and that resulted in:

:; du -shc /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my*
24K     /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-docker
31K     /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-raw
1,6G    /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum
1,6G    total


Upload is still not working (tried mentioned 3 repositories only):

:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --upload --n3drURL NEW:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ... --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:369 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'NEW:8443' repository: 'my-raw'...
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:369 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'NEW:8443' repository: 'my-docker'...
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:369 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'NEW:8443' repository: 'my-yum'...

Only my-raw was uploaded, my-yum and my-docker, were not (repository on NEW node was created exactly as one on NEW node):

:; du -shc /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/
1,6G    /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/
1,6G    total


3eka commented 2 years ago

The version is only added by the CI. When I download one of the artifacts the the version is 6.4.3:

n3dr --version
n3dr version refs/tags/6.4.3


:; aria2c https://github.com/030/n3dr/archive/refs/tags/6.4.3.tar.gz
:; tar xf n3dr-6.4.3.tar.gz
:; cd n3dr-6.4.3
:; bash scripts/build.sh
:; cmd/n3dr/n3dr --version
n3dr version local

What I am doing wrong?

030 commented 2 years ago

@3eka The binary has already been created by the CI:

curl -L https://github.com/030/n3dr/releases/download/6.4.3/n3dr-ubuntu-20.04 -o n3dr && chmod +x n3dr && ./n3dr --version
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   656  100   656    0     0   8000      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  8000
100 22.5M  100 22.5M    0     0  22.7M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 32.1M
n3dr version refs/tags/6.4.3

In order to assign a version locally:

GITHUB_TAG=some-version ./scripts/build.sh && ./cmd/n3dr/n3dr --version
GITHUB_TAG: 'some-version' N3DR_DELIVERABLE: 'n3dr'
n3dr version some-version
030 commented 2 years ago

@3eka 6.5.0 supports rpm/yum uploads.

3eka commented 2 years ago

Thanks, will test it today. What about problem described here: https://github.com/030/n3dr/issues/238#issuecomment-1009701830 ? Tried, and got same error as described. Regards.

3eka commented 2 years ago

HI @030, something is still NOT OK.

Case 1) backup of everything from OLD nexus instance misses docker repository backup (same problem as described in https://github.com/030/n3dr/issues/238#issuecomment-1009738435). So, complete backup is missing.

Case 2) backup of docker repository (only) works, but not upload (previously an EMPTY docker repository was created)::

:; n3dr backup --n3drRepo my-docker --n3drURL https://OLDFQDN:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ...  --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr 
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifacts/backup.go:34 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.TempDownloadDir() Download dir name: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/backup.go:29 main.glob..func1() Processing repository: my-docker
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifacts/backup.go:281 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.StoreArtifactsOnDiskChannel() Backing up: 'my-docker'

:; du -shc /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-docker
575M    /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-docker
575M    total

:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --upload --n3drURL NEWFQDN:8443 --n3drUser predrag_zecevic --n3drPass ${N3DRPASS} --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:71 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:159 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:372 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'NEWFQDN:8443' repository: 'my-docker'...

Although it throws no error, nothing was uploaded.

Tested also yum repository backup/upload, also no success (but error is shown):

; n3dr backup --n3drRepo my-yum --n3drURL https://OLDFQDN:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ... --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr 1>/dev/null
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:71 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:159 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifacts/backup.go:34 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.TempDownloadDir() Download dir name: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/backup.go:29 main.glob..func1() Processing repository: my-yum
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifacts/backup.go:281 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.StoreArtifactsOnDiskChannel() Backing up: 'my-yum'

:; du -shc /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum
1,6G    /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum
1,6G    total

:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --upload --n3drURL NEWFQDN:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ... --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr 1>/dev/null
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:71 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:159 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:372 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'NEWFQDN:8443' repository: 'my-yum'...
FATA[0015]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/repositoriesV2.go:48 main.glob..func7() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/repodata/dfad0846e198d2b4c08b7462a5657563db3babb3d48345cc3f64ef3299883698-other.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'

This upload option is also not working (same error shown when docker repository upload is attempted):

:; n3dr upload --n3drRepo my-yum --n3drURL https://NEWFQDN:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ... --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr 1>/dev/null
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:71 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:159 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'maven2'
FATA[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func9() lstat my-yum: no such file or directory

:; cd /nobackup/tmp/n3dr
:; n3dr upload --n3drRepo my-yum -t=yum --n3drURL https://NEWFQDN:8443 --n3drUser ... --n3drPass ...
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:71 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/root.go:159 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'yum'
FATA[0000]/pz/n3dr-6.5.0/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func9() Upload of 'yum' is not supported

Am I missing something?


3eka commented 2 years ago

Maybe I can ask for --n3drLogo false switch, to not display logo over whole screen?

3eka commented 2 years ago

Hi @030 ,

how to prevent display of logo?

:; n3dr --help | grep -i logo
      --showLogo                      show N3DR logo or not. Default: true (default true)

Whatever I have tried, it has failed: --showLogo false also does not work.

BTW: I will try version 6.6.1 tomorrow.

030 commented 2 years ago

Could you try --showLogo=false? Example: https://github.com/030/n3dr/blob/main/test/integration-tests.sh#L514

3eka commented 2 years ago

Thanks First, that works (--showLogo=false). Does it means that I have to use = between option and its value for everything?

A) backup works:

:; rm -rf /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/*
:; for repo in my-docker my-yum my-raw; do    
     n3dr backup --showLogo=false --n3drRepo=${repo} --anonymous --n3drURL ${NEXUS_O} --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr

:; cd /nobackup/tmp/n3dr
:; du -shc *
3,8G    my-docker
110K    my-raw
5,8G    my-yum

B) load of raw repository work, other not (${NEXUS_N} has configured hosted docker, raw and yum EMPTY repositories. Nexus is available directly, e.g. no /blahblah in its URL):

:; n3dr upload --showLogo=false --artifactType=docker --n3drURL=${NEXUS_N} --n3drUser=predrag_zecevic --n3drPass=***  --n3drRepo my-docker
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:76 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr' 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:166 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml' 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'docker'                           
FATA[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func9() Upload of 'docker' is not supported

:; n3dr upload --showLogo=false --artifactType=yum --n3drURL=${NEXUS_N}  --n3drUser=predrag_zecevic --n3drPass=*** --n3drRepo my-yum
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:76 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr' 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:166 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml' 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'yum'                              
FATA[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func9() Upload of 'yum' is not supported


P.S: I used this to compile tool:

    wget --continue https://github.com/030/n3dr/archive/refs/tags/${N3DR_V}.tar.gz
    tar xf ${N3DR_V}.tar.gz && cd n3dr-${N3DR_V}

    GITHUB_TAG=${N3DR_V} bash scripts/build.sh

Still, it does not show version:

:; go version
go version go1.17.9 illumos/amd64

 :; n3dr --version
n3dr version local
3eka commented 2 years ago

HI! Any news on this? I have compiled n3dr few days ago, and I am still unable to upload yum and docker repositories, taken from one nexus instance to this new one. Both instances OLD and NEW are running same Nexus s/w (3.39.0-01) and both have configured repositories. I am able to do backup (example for yum repository -- docker one shows same problem):

:; n3dr backup --n3drRepo=yum --anonymous --n3drURL=https://old:8443 --directory-prefix=/nobackup/tmp/n3dr --showLogo=false
:; cd /nobackup/tmp/n3dr
:; du -sh yum
7,0G    yum/

Tying to upload:

:; n3dr upload --showLogo=false --n3drURL=https://new:8443 --n3drUser=... --n3drPass=... --artifactType=yum --n3drRepo=yum --directory-prefix=/nobackup/tmp/n3dr
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:76 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:166 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifacts/upload.go:364 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifacts.Nexus3.Upload() Uploading 'yum'
FATA[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/upload.go:23 main.glob..func9() Upload of 'yum' is not supported

What is proper syntax to upload? Am I doing something wrong? Regards.

P.S: Docs page does not reflect output from n3dr --help command.

030 commented 2 years ago

Did you try repositoriesV2 as well?

3eka commented 2 years ago

Yes, not working either:

/nobackup/tmp/n3dr :; du -sh *
5,7G    my-docker
110K    my-raw
7,0G    my-yum

and this is "import":

:; cd /nobackup/tmp/n3dr
:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --upload --showLogo=false --n3drURL=nexus-node.mydomain.com:8443 --n3drUser=predrag_zecevic --n3drPass=*** --directory-prefix=/nobackup/tmp/n3dr
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:76 main.n3drHiddenHome() n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/root.go:166 main.parseConfig() Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:62 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).reposOnDisk() found the following localDiskRepos: '[my-yum my-docker my-raw]'
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:320 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'nexus-node.mydomain.com:8443' repository: 'my-raw'...
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:320 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'nexus-node.mydomain.com:8443' repository: 'my-yum'...
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:320 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() Uploading files to Nexus: 'nexus-node.mydomain.com:8443' repository: 'my-docker'...
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:80 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).repoFormatLocalDiskRepo() format of repo: 'my-raw' is: 'raw'
INFO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:80 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).repoFormatLocalDiskRepo() format of repo: 'my-docker' is: 'docker'
WARN[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:326 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).Upload.func1() docker and snapshot repositories skipped
INFO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:80 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).repoFormatLocalDiskRepo() format of repo: 'my-yum' is: 'yum'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/SRPMS/repodata/repomd.xml', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/SRPMS/maven-3.8.4-1.src.rpm', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/repodata/ff3cdbcf25f89c6c2a526d2a40d62919ff17274f307e744b8124ae61b5fb1824-filelists.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/repodata/f1e0ab9b1546d344db515e18fc56ebe927874cb99f62673bbc91841838b60322-primary.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/8/x86_64/RPMS/sudosh2-1.0.7-1.2e.x86_64.rpm', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/8/x86_64/RPMS/cronolog-debuginfo-1.7.2-1.x86_64.rpm', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/cronolog-1.7.2-1.x86_64.rpm', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/repodata/f511f663d3b08d7bcbc64f37d163d19cea154c574804d8bb0fe8fc04b2556b4d-other.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/cronolog-debuginfo-1.7.2-1.x86_64.rpm', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/SRPMS/repodata/d7bb659c1322c3e8fb37d02fb6e984e52d8e27355db6b5c11e4044e220aa8ed9-other.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/SRPMS/repodata/8dc2749e3926c726bc0a8cbdf219e0a96ae927dbf15c90b04ea6fbe15c99d430-primary.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/8/x86_64/RPMS/repodata/ea45fe64ff71036028d9e2a92f5c3d0e4cdcd73768fdfed900fac1e89675253d-primary.xml.gz', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/repodata/repomd.xml', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/7/x86_64/SRPMS/repodata/repomd.xml', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'
ERRO[0001]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload/upload.go:283 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/upload.(*Nexus3).ReadLocalDirAndUploadArtifacts.func1.1() cannot upload component: '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/my-yum/centos/6/x86_64/RPMS/php-devel-7.3.24-1.ssl1.1.1h.x86_64.rpm', error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec (status 400): {}'

it recognizes type of data, but load fails. When I open https://nexus-node.mydomain.com:8443 I am able to log-in, browse, etc

So, what exactly means error: 'response status code does not match any response statuses defined for this endpoint in the swagger spec error?


3eka commented 1 year ago

After switching to

:; n3dr --version
n3dr version 6.7.3         # logo file changed
:; go version
go version go1.19.1 illumos/amd64

Backup started to fail (nexus node listens to https port 8443):

:; n3dr repositoriesV2 --backup --directory-prefix /nobackup/tmp/n3dr/nexus --n3drUser=predrag_zecevic --n3drPass=*** --n3drURL=nexus.my-domain.com:8443
INFO[0000] n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr' 
INFO[0000] Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml' 
INFO[0000] false                                        
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'my-yum', 'hosted', yum           
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'nuget-group', 'group', nuget     
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'maven-snapshots', 'hosted', maven2 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'maven-central', 'proxy', maven2  
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'nuget.org-proxy', 'proxy', nuget 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'maven-releases', 'hosted', maven2 
INFO[0000]/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2/download.go:164 github.com/030/n3dr/internal/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup() backing up 'my-docker', 'hosted', docker     
FATA[0000]/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/repositoriesV2.go:42 main.glob..func7() parse ":0/v2/_catalog": missing protocol scheme

I guess it is stuck on my-docker repository (from some reason... was working before -- does go version has something to do with?), because we see under output directory '/nobackup/tmp/n3dr/nexus':


With --debug switch, it outputs only this line (real password is replaced with ***; I connect with that account w/o problems to web interface):

[0000]/export/home/predrag_zecevic/go/pkg/mod/github.com/030/p2iwd@v0.2.0/internal/pkg/http/http.go:20 github.com/030/p2iwd/internal/pkg/http.(*Auth).RequestAndResponse() Auth: '&{Accept  GET *** :0/v2/_catalog predrag_zecevic}'

I really like idea behind this project, but I am kind stuck (wanted to do nexus backup/restore with n3dr).

Best regards.

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

3eka commented 1 year ago

I will add soon new tests result...

3eka commented 1 year ago

Testing (latest?) version shows same symptoms as already described here: https://github.com/030/n3dr/issues/238#issuecomment-1262076140 (download of docker repo fails/terminates program).

:; n3dr --version
n3dr version 7.0.2
030 commented 1 year ago

@3eka I get the same issue: FATA[0000]/home/runner/work/n3dr/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/repositoriesV2.go:89 main.glob..func5() parse ":0/v2/_catalog": missing protocol scheme when I have omitted the --dockerPort 9001 and --dockerHost http://localhost. Could you check whether you have set these parameters? I will update the code to ensure that an error will be returned if the docker host and or port have not been set.

3eka commented 1 year ago

@3eka I get the same issue: FATA[0000]/home/runner/work/n3dr/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/repositoriesV2.go:89 main.glob..func5() parse ":0/v2/_catalog": missing protocol scheme when I have omitted the --dockerPort 9001 and --dockerHost http://localhost. Could you check whether you have set these parameters? I will update the code to ensure that an error will be returned if the docker host and or port have not been set.

Hi @030 ;

Yes, it seems that adding docker options have had a progress here...

Question regarding upload: shall I use also docker switches for upload/restore?

Thanks for fixing this. Regards.

3eka commented 1 year ago

Also, usage of n3dr repositoriesV2 --backup options is inconsistent: --n3drURL=mynexus.mydomain.com:PORT (no protocol) but --dockerHost=PROTOCOL://mynexus.mydomain.com --dockerPort=PORT (specifies protocol) NOTE, there is also --https switch available

3eka commented 1 year ago


      --logLevel string               change the log level (default: info, options: trace, debug, info, warn, error or none) (default "info")
      --showLogo                      show N3DR logo or not. Default: true (default true)

Default value shown twice

3eka commented 1 year ago

Then: I have specified:


But still some output is written to stdout, for example:

INFO[0000] n3drHomeDir: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr'
INFO[0000] Using config file: '/export/home/predrag_zecevic/.n3dr/config.yml'
time="2023-01-04T16:09:50+01:00" level=info msg="backing up 'my-yum', 'hosted', yum" func="github.com/030/n3dr/internal/app/n3dr/artifactsv2.(*Nexus3).Backup" file="/n3dr/internal/app/n3dr/artifactsv2/download.go:233"

Which is kind annoying

3eka commented 1 year ago

@3eka I get the same issue: FATA[0000]/home/runner/work/n3dr/n3dr/cmd/n3dr/repositoriesV2.go:89 main.glob..func5() parse ":0/v2/_catalog": missing protocol scheme when I have omitted the --dockerPort 9001 and --dockerHost http://localhost. Could you check whether you have set these parameters? I will update the code to ensure that an error will be returned if the docker host and or port have not been set.

Hi @030 ,

I have added docker options, but still my docker repository is NOT backed-up, e.g. my-docker directory is not there.

Any other suggestions? Regards.

030 commented 1 year ago

@3eka do you see a p2iwd folder?

3eka commented 1 year ago

Nope (if you meant under --directory-prefix directory?).

3eka commented 1 year ago

Arghh, I just figured out that I need that utility for backing-up docker images too... Right?

Anyway, will download it, build and test... if that is correct thinking

3eka commented 1 year ago

NOTE: added p2iwd to the PATH and issued backup command again. No luck

030 commented 1 year ago

@3eka no need to add p2iwd to the path. If --directory-prefix is used then several folders should be created: one for every repository and there should be a p2iwd folder that includes the docker repositories.

kcathey commented 1 year ago

I'm having this same issue with docker images not being downloaded. There is no my-docker or p2iwd directory when doing a backup of the entire nexus.

When i do a backup of a specific docker repository I get a my-docker folder with just the manifests, no images.

030 commented 1 year ago

@kcathey and @3eka Could you try the docker-quickstart and compare it with the parameters you have used?

kcathey commented 1 year ago

So I discovered that Nexus doesn't expose the images that are proxied, only those that have be explicitly pushed. I was trying to do an export of my proxied images, to avoid explicitly pushing them. When there are only proxied images in Nexus the /v2/_catalog endpoint returns an empty list, as soon as an image is pushed it returns a list with the pushed image.

So for my part this is no longer a problem and in either case it isn't yours, but seems to be on the Nexus end.

3eka commented 1 year ago

Hi @kcathey,

can you elaborate "as soon as an image is pushed" task? We are uploading docker images to the nexus, after those are built on jenkins. That is not pushing, right?

Thanks for checking this. Regards.

P.S: Seems that we need to change way of uploading images (with pushing)

kcathey commented 1 year ago

I do a docker push <nexus tag> to upload to nexus. As far as I know that's the only way to upload a docker image.