I'm going to dedicate one of these upcoming versions to looking over everything within the bot and bringing it up to par.
Bringing the markdown files up to par, particularly contributing.md
A markdown file about consistency, describing code practices/conventions and standards for how responses or log messages should be written, and providing justification when necessary.
Command summaries, descriptions, usage strings, etc. should be checked and rewritten for consistency and clarity
All messages, including logged messages, are also subject to this, as well as how data is displayed to end users or in the terminal
For usage strings in particular, a standard format should be established
Reaction and emoji use across the bot should be consistent, making use of #15
Some color choices such as the chalk.gray() used for timestamps are somewhat poor in some themed terminals/console emulators such as cmder, and I'm not sure what to do about it
EDIT: This appears to be a problem with screen over ssh when using cmder, although it's still a noteworthy problem, and I haven't found any mention of it.
Using try/catch blocks unnecessarily isn't the greatest, and some might be replaceable with cleaner code
Improvements to our eslint configuration regarding:
Update on what I said regarding color choices. The issue isn't what I initially thought it was, and actually only occurs when using screen over ssh inside cmder for some reason. Needless to say, it's not directly cmder's fault.
I'm going to dedicate one of these upcoming versions to looking over everything within the bot and bringing it up to par.
Some color choices such as theEDIT: This appears to be a problem with screen over ssh when using cmder, although it's still a noteworthy problem, and I haven't found any mention of it.chalk.gray()
used for timestamps are somewhat poor in some themed terminals/console emulators such as cmder, and I'm not sure what to do about itNotable examples of code/places in sandplate needing this:
This will have to be done some time after #15, #21, and #25.