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Translation needed #44

Closed enumag closed 6 years ago

enumag commented 6 years ago

There was an error in the script that one of Keiichi's lines were added to Satoko instead. When I split it the current translation doesn't make much sense so I need a better one.

ItaloKnox commented 6 years ago

Can you give me the unsplit translation? I think I need some context.

enumag commented 6 years ago

It goes like this:


Current translation (written as if both lines were one long sentence said by Keiichi}:

...From... what I just heard the police talking about...
...Coach... apparently committed suicide.

In reality the first line is said by Satoko and the second by Keiichi. The second can probably stay as is but the first doesn't make much sense on it's own.

If you need further context then look here.

ItaloKnox commented 6 years ago

Well... the translation is correct. It really looks like he says both, and splitting them is quite difficult in this case. The japanese actually gives margin to what is coming next, so the sentence does not make sense by itself.

I guess we just need to adapt it? Perhaps changing the ending a little to make it look like the "talking about" was interrupted?

P-Chang commented 6 years ago

probably, it is not need retranslate.

just changing ...From... what I just heard the police talking about... to dialog that Satoko tone is enough or it is not needed.

Or making ...Anyway... what on earth... is going on? ...From... what I just heard the police talking about... to one dialog on your English knowledge is enough.

enumag commented 6 years ago

I'll just keep it as is then.