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Character menu doesn't display properly during CGs #87

Closed drojf closed 4 years ago

drojf commented 6 years ago

Sometimes the character menu bugs out if accessed when a CG is on-screen. I couldn't reproduce on Chiru but supposedly it happens.

A user specifically pointed to the bathtub CG, but I haven't checked that yet.


Also, could just look through the CGs for this type of attached image (there aren't that many from memory)

edit: Definitely happens at this scene for the Question arcs

langen:dwave 0, kla_3e7:^"I wouldn't go that far.^@:dwave 0, kla_3e8:^  Talking to an unschooled woman is tiring and nothing more.^@:dwave 0, kla_3e9:^  ...However, women are even more tiring when they're too smart.^@:dwave 0, kla_3e10:^  I do believe that a woman as violently assertive as you would bring no end of hardship to her future husband."^\
drojf commented 5 years ago

I think i've tracked this down to being due to the set_oldnew_bg function, thanks to this scene/report in this (spoiler): https://github.com/07th-mod/umineko-question/issues/112 . The character portraits also get messed up in this instance.

The function is used to display CG's ontop of the existing background, without clearing the existing background (i think), and also set different backgrounds depending on if 'old sprites' mode is enabled

I noticed that after calling set_oldnew_bg g0103_a,blood_1a,1,22 for example, no sprites will be displayed (using the ld command). This does not become 'fixed' until you call clr_oldnew_bg. This resulted in a sprite never being displayed in 'new sprites' mode, so I wouldn't be surprised if it also caused the character portraits to go wacky.

If anyone wants to look into it, search for *set_oldnew_bg in the script file.

drojf commented 5 years ago

We also had this report:

And also another bug I encountered was that the Tips UI during non-background CGs (Dedicated CGs to a scene) was hard to operate The portraits for the characters in the scheme were black And the cursor position didn't actually relate to the object I wanted to click

I had a report related to cursor position offset before, but they didn't mention it was related to CGs, so I think it's another symptom of this issue,

drojf commented 4 years ago

I have closed this in https://github.com/07th-mod/umineko-question/commit/5379e11979630e95888dacb56d7f8d36fd63b9fa . The problem was the method used to hide sprites while CGs were displayed.

I fixed it by not hiding sprites in *lspnewold_trans, if you are in the right-click menu (I made a new variable which tracks whether you are in the right-click menu)

I don't think this affects the Answer Arcs - in that script, the only place where %hide_new_sprites is set to 1 is the *set_oldnew_bg, which is never called.