0ME9A / password

Password is a free online tool that helps you create strong and random passwords for your accounts. You can customize your password options and copy the generated password to your clipboard with one click.
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Upgrade Password Website to Next.js #20

Open 0ME9A opened 10 months ago

0ME9A commented 10 months ago

Description: As the maintainer of the Password website, I propose upgrading our current implementation from Pure React to Next.js. Here are the reasons behind this proposal:

  1. Improved SEO: Next.js provides built-in support for server-side rendering (SSR), which can enhance search engine optimization (SEO) by delivering fully-rendered HTML pages to crawlers.

  2. Enhanced Performance: Next.js optimizes the performance of web applications through features like automatic code splitting and pre-fetching. This can lead to faster page loads and a better user experience.

  3. Simplified Routing: Next.js simplifies the routing process with its file-system-based routing system, making it easier to organize and manage routes.

  4. Static Site Generation (SSG): Next.js supports static site generation, allowing us to pre-render pages at build time. This can further improve performance and reduce the load on servers.

  5. Community and Ecosystem: Next.js has a vibrant community and a rich ecosystem of plugins and tools that can benefit the development and maintenance of our Password website.

Steps to Upgrade:

  1. Assess the current codebase and identify areas that need modification.
  2. Integrate Next.js into the project.
  3. Update components and routes to align with Next.js conventions.
  4. Test thoroughly to ensure the website maintains its current functionality.

Additional Notes: Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on this proposal. If there are specific concerns or considerations, let's discuss them collaboratively.


DavidKozdra commented 4 months ago

How is this going @0ME9A I don't see a branch for this if you want I can give it a go

0ME9A commented 4 months ago

Hi @DavidKozdra,

I know you've been eagerly awaiting the new website for the Password. I've made significant progress, but due to personal reasons, I've had to put it on hold. Rest assured, I aim to deploy the new site this month. Thank you for your enthusiasm!

DavidKozdra commented 4 months ago

I totally understand work has been alot so I have not been able to do enough either, I use this app to generate all my passwords so I can't wait, lmk if there is anything else I can help with

0ME9A commented 4 months ago

Thanks for understanding! I really appreciate your patience and support. I'll definitely let you know if I need any assistance. Looking forward to getting the new site up and running soon!