0ME9A / password

Password is a free online tool that helps you create strong and random passwords for your accounts. You can customize your password options and copy the generated password to your clipboard with one click.
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Selected Item Status Not Resetting to Zero After Deletion in History Tab #24

Closed 0ME9A closed 11 months ago

0ME9A commented 12 months ago

Description: In the history tab, when selecting password history items to delete, the status displaying the number of selected passwords does not reset to zero after deletion. If passwords are selected, deleted, and then additional items are selected, the status starts counting from the previously selected number instead of resetting to zero.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the history tab.
  2. Select a certain number of password history items for deletion.
  3. Delete the selected items.
  4. Attempt to select new items for deletion.

Expected Behavior: The selected item status should reset to zero after deleting passwords. Subsequent selections should start counting from zero.

Actual Behavior: After deletion, the selected item status retains the previously selected number, causing confusion in the count.

Additional Information: A video recording demonstrating the issue is available.
