0XFF-96 / tinykv

A course to build distributed key-value service based on TiKV model
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Project2 #3

Open 0XFF-96 opened 4 years ago

0XFF-96 commented 4 years ago


其他 DB

什么是 LSTM 树?

1. 为什么会有基于 lsm 树的存储引擎出现?
2. LSM 树核心思想介绍 (解决哪些问题?怎么解决的?)
3. 基于 LSM 树的存储引擎(BitCask、Moss、LevelDB、Pebble 等)源码实现剖析


1. 不仅知道有 B + 树存储引擎,而且还了解、掌握 LSM 树存储引擎,面试、2. 大型开源组件学习从此不再慌
3. 了解 LSM 树背后的思想,以及解决问题的一些思路。
4. 对基于 LSM 树的存储引擎开源项目实现有一个基本、全面的认识

B+ 树

#115理论结合实践详解 B+ 树存储引擎(InnoDB、BoltDB、BuntDB)

推导为什么选择 b + 树做索引数据结构
分析 b + 树存储引擎的正常读写流程、边界条件、异常情况
分析几款 b + 树存储引擎的事务、全表扫描实现思路 (innodb、boltdb、buntdb)
详细剖析 boltdb、buntdb 开源项目源码内部实现
扩展内容:讲解时间复杂度为 O (log n) 的几种数据结构的演变 (二叉查找树、avl 树、红黑树、b 树、b + 树、跳表等)


0XFF-96 commented 4 years ago

raft 的实现参考

一开始上来就直接撸,可能效果不太好。需要了解更多细节作为基础。 github.com/IvanProdaiko94/raft-protocol-implementation。

0XFF-96 commented 4 years ago

Raft 论文阅读笔记





2、etcd raft 库解析, codedump.info/post/20180922-etcd-raft/ 。

3、raft 论文导读和 etcd 源码库解析, https://hardcore.feishu.cn/docs/doccnMRVFcMWn1zsEYBrbsDf8De#

4、etcd-raft 相关算法, https://blog.betacat.io/post/raft-implementation-in-etcd/

5、hashcrop/raft 相关算法。

0XFF-96 commented 2 years ago

Raft Basic

Definition: Raft is a protocol for implementing distributed consensus.

Novel Features


Consensus is a fundamental problem in fault-tolerant distributed systems. Consensus involves multiple servers agreeing on values

replicated state machines & Log Replication

Each state machine processes the same series of commands and thus produces the same series of results and arrives at the same series of states

5.3 Log replication


0XFF-96 commented 2 years ago

Raft 可视化

  1. What is Distributed Consensus? ( 共识算法和一致性算法的区别 )
  2. the problem of distributed consensus.
  3. three state , followers don't hear from a leader then they can become a candidate.


  1. http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft/
0XFF-96 commented 2 years ago


1、 Step 方法, 数据流转的中心。

func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error