0Yassine0 / COTS.jl

Control Optimal Test Set
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Resolving the Space Shuttle Reentry Problem with OptimalControl #10

Open 0Yassine0 opened 2 months ago

0Yassine0 commented 2 months ago

The space-shuttle reentry problem, inspired from a JuMP tutorial, is modeled in this file. The problem is solved in this notebook, and our goal is to compare its results with those obtained using OptimalControl.jl.

However, the problem remains unsolved using OptimalControl.jl. The latest results we obtained are available here testSpaceShuttleOC.

The problem diverges, and the solver does not find a solution after 3000 iterations ( in the notebook we set max_iter=500 for better display of results).

ocots commented 2 months ago

Ping @jbcaillau, @PierreMartinon and @joseph-gergaud.

0Yassine0 commented 2 months ago

@joseph-gergaud J'ai update le problème avec les modifications dont on a parlé hier pour space_Shuttle_JMP et space_Shuttle_OC . Et j'ai rajouté à la fin du testSpaceShuttleOC l'affichage des deux Initial guess pour les comparer.

ocots commented 2 months ago

@joseph-gergaud @0Yassine0 Des nouvelles de cette application ?

ocots commented 21 hours ago

@0Yassine0 Any news?