0bbedCode / XPL-EX

Really simple to use privacy manager for Android 6.0 Marshmallow and later
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Facebook crashed #12

Open akha666 opened 1 month ago

akha666 commented 1 month ago

Facebook app crashs, but opens after 3 times

ThreeDeeJay commented 1 month ago

XPL on Facebook sounds like pouring holy water on a demon. It's gonna squeal and put up a fight before going down lol Anyway, you should narrow down the hook(s) that's crashing and the error log (a ! sign to the left of unstable hooks) so the dev has something to work with. Or just uninstall Facebook, permanently 🙃

0bbedCode commented 1 month ago

Agree do you have any logs, what hooks did you select what hook did you de-select anything more informative ?

akha666 commented 1 month ago

First I got the and en exclamation mark "!" beside the "Spoof User Agent". furthermore, I have tried to deselect everything except the "Stop Automatically". But Facebook app keeps crash and some time loses the app setting and dark mode. How can I export the log for sharing?

0bbedCode commented 4 weeks ago

yes that "!" is the logs click it don't be scared ! use the fingers god gifted you !! Send me that message and or a screenshot

0bbedCode commented 4 weeks ago

To be clear when you have (0) Hooks selected (0) Groups selected it still crashes ??? You made clear you only have the option selected "Stop Automatically" and if you uncheck that ?