At present, the CSS is not responsive for mobile device screens, resulting in some spacing-related problems:
The biggest one is the navbar at the top of each page: the spacing is wrong and the "Tags" link goes off the screen.
The "Recent Posts" Section has the dates of each post on the following line, resulting in an unpleasant flow. Perhaps remove date entirely on mobile as space is at a premium?
The table in the "Fretboard Memorisation with Modular Arithmetic" article goes off the screen.
Ordered & unordered lists are generally too narrow to read comfortably, could make better use of space and have less whitespace padding.
[X] Tables overflowing (fixed in 7dbfa6d7245fe385c4209237b855f24b01c183b1).
[X] List padding.
[ ] Publish dates overflowing
These issues would've been better off listed separately, so I will be moving the date overflow issue to its own issue until its resolved, and I will close this one as it is 75% resolved.
At present, the CSS is not responsive for mobile device screens, resulting in some spacing-related problems: