Closed idkjs closed 4 years ago
Not sure what's going on here exactly. I tried installing with pnpm
and yarn
and both seems to work (?)
I just retried again after your test. Doesnt work for me on either yarn
or pnpm
. Oddly it works if i copy the files directly like so: So the code works but its not being exposed on my machine?
sorry to ask this, but have you tried resetting the wonka-not-found
repo and removing all node_modules
I went started a new random project with bsb -init random -theme basic-reason
then went into node_modules and ran npm install
on the Wonka
dep: copied this into
let waitForArray = () => Js.Promise.resolve([|1, 2, 3|]);
let source =
Wonka.make((. observer) => {
let (next, complete) = observer;
let cancelled = ref(false);
let promise = waitForArray();
arr =>
if (! cancelled^) {
Array.iter(next, arr);
() => cancelled := true;
Now Wonka is recognised.
Incidentally, that code from the example doesnt compile:
We've found a bug for you!
/Users/prisc_000/working/GitHub/combining-variadics/src/ 41:9-44:9
39 ┆ Js.Promise.then_(
40 ┆ arr =>
41 ┆ if (! cancelled^) {
42 ┆ Array.iter(next, arr);
43 ┆ complete();
44 ┆ },
45 ┆ promise,
46 ┆ );
This has type:
But somewhere wanted:
Js.Promise.t('a) (defined as Js.Promise.t('a))
FAILED: subcommand failed.
>>>> Finish compiling(exit: 1)
To your question on resetting:
➜ wonka-not-found-master rm -rf node_modules lib .merlin pnpm-lock.yaml
➜ wonka-not-found-master pnpm i
Packages: +34
Resolving: total 34, reused 33, downloaded 1, done
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstalnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstalnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, done in 5s
+ bs-webapi 0.15.6
+ react 16.12.0
+ react-dom 16.12.0
+ reason-react 0.7.0
+ wonka 4.0.6 (4.0.7 is available)
+ bs-platform 7.0.2-dev.1
+ moduleserve 0.9.1
➜ wonka-not-found-master cats
"build": "bsb -make-world",
"start": "bsb -make-world -w ",
"clean": "bsb -clean-world",
"server": "moduleserve ./ --port 8000",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
➜ wonka-not-found-master npm start
> wonka-not-found@0.1.0 start /Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master
> bsb -make-world -w
Different compiler version: clean current repo
Cleaning... 46 files.
[37/37] Building src/ReactDOMRe.cmj
[246/246] Building src/Webapi.cmj
File "bsconfig.json", line 1
Error: package gentype not found or built
- Did you install it?
- If you did, did you run `bsb -make-world`?
>>>> Start compiling
[16/25] Building src/BlinkingGreeting/WonkaClickEventDemo-ReasonReactExamples.cmj
FAILED: src/BlinkingGreeting/WonkaClickEventDemo-ReasonReactExamples.cmj src/BlinkingGreeting/WonkaClickEventDemo-ReasonReactExamples.cmi /Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/src/BlinkingGreeting/
/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/ -nostdlib -bs-package-name reason-react-examples -bs-ns ReasonReactExamples -bs-package-output commonjs:src/BlinkingGreeting -color always -bs-suffix -I . -I src/ReducerFromReactJSDocs -I src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason -I src/BlinkingGreeting -I src/FetchedDogPictures -I src -I /Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/reason-react/lib/ocaml -I /Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/bs-webapi/lib/ocaml -I /Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/wonka/lib/ocaml -I /Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml -w -30-40+6+7+27+32..39+44+45+101 -bs-super-errors -o src/BlinkingGreeting/WonkaClickEventDemo-ReasonReactExamples.cmj src/BlinkingGreeting/WonkaClickEventDemo.reast
We've found a bug for you!
/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/src/BlinkingGreeting/ 5:6-10
3 │ fromEvent(document, 'click').subscribe(() => console.log('Clicked!')
); */
4 │ open Webapi.Dom;
5 │ open Wonka;
6 │ [@react.component]
7 │ let make = () => {
The module or file Wonka can't be found.
- If it's a third-party dependency:
- Did you list it in bsconfig.json?
- Did you run `bsb` instead of `bsb -make-world`
(latter builds third-parties)?
- Did you include the file's directory in bsconfig.json?
[21/25] Building src/ReducerFromReact...ReducerFromReactJSDocs-ReasonReactExamples.cmj
FAILED: subcommand failed.
>>>> Finish compiling(exit: 1)
Then when I repeat building Wonka
from node_modules
like so, Wonka
is recognised:
wonka pwd
➜ wonka pnpm i
WARN @ampproject/rollup-plugin-closure-compiler: acorn-dynamic-import@4.0.0 requires a peer of acorn@^6.0.0 but version 7.1.0 was installed. WARN gatsby > gatsby-cli: ink@2.6.0 requires a peer of @types/react@>=16.8.0 but none was installed. WARN gatsby: react-hot-loader@4.12.18 requires a peer of @types/react@^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none was installed.
WARN gatsby-plugin-netlify: webpack-assets-manifest@3.1.1 requires a peer of webpack@>=4.4.0 but none was installed. WARN ts-jest@24.3.0 requires a peer of jest@>=24 <25 but none was installed.Packages: +2100
Resolving: total 2097, reused 2097, downloaded 0, done
node_modules | WARN Cannot link bin "detect" of "detect-port-alt" to "/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/ | WARN Cannot link bin "detect" of "detect-port-alt" to "/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/". A package called "detect-port" already has its bin linked.
node_modules | WARN Cannot link bin "detect-port" of "detect-port-alt" to "/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/". A package called "detect-port" already has its bin linknode_modules | WARN Cannot link bin "detect-port" of "detect-port-alt" to "/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/". A package called "detect-port" already has its bin linked.
node_modules | WARN Cannot link bin "jest" of "jest-cli" to "/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/ | WARN Cannot link bin "jest" of "jest-cli" to "/Users/prisc_000/Downloads/wonka-not-found-master/node_modules/.pnpm/". A package called "jest" already has its bin linked.
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall scnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script..node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall scnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, don
e in 403mses/.pnpm/ Running postinstalnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script,
done in 4ses/.pnpm/ Running postinode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinode_modules/.pnpm/ Running posti
nstall script, done in Running install script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstal
l script, done in Running postinstall script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running install script, done
in 13sodules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, done in node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, done
in 4sodules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall scnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall sc
ript, done in 3spm/ Running install script...
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running install script, done in 12s
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall scripnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall scripnode_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, done in 136ms
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, done in 507ms
node_modules/.pnpm/ Running postinstall script, done in 96ms
+ @ampproject/rollup-plugin-closure-compiler 0.18.1 (0.20.0 is available)
+ @babel/core 7.8.3
+ @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript 7.8.3
+ @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs 7.8.3
+ @babel/preset-env 7.8.3
+ @glennsl/bs-jest 0.4.9
+ @rollup/plugin-buble 0.21.0
+ @rollup/plugin-commonjs 11.0.1
+ @rollup/plugin-node-resolve 6.1.0 (7.0.0 is available)
+ @types/jest 24.9.0
+ @types/zen-observable 0.8.0
+ babel-plugin-closure-elimination 1.3.0
+ bs-platform 7.0.2-dev.1
+ callbag-from-iter 1.2.0
+ callbag-iterate 1.0.0
+ callbag-take 1.4.0
+ coveralls 3.0.9
+ flow-bin 0.115.0 (0.116.1 is available)
+ flowgen 1.10.0
+ gatsby 2.18.24
+ gatsby-plugin-netlify 2.1.31
+ gatsby-theme-docs-system 0.2.2
+ gentype 3.10.0
+ globby 10.0.2 (11.0.0 is available)
+ husky 3.1.0 (4.0.10 is available)
+ lint-staged 9.5.0
+ npm-run-all 4.1.5
+ prettier 1.19.1
+ react 16.12.0
+ react-dom 16.12.0
+ rimraf 3.0.0
+ rollup 1.29.0
+ rollup-plugin-babel 4.3.3
+ rollup-plugin-terser 5.2.0
+ rollup-plugin-typescript2 0.25.3
+ ts-jest 24.3.0
+ typescript 3.7.5
+ zen-observable 0.8.15
➜ wonka
There you get a warning for genType
, not Wonka. When you then install genType
it should work
That worked. Have never had to install gentype
when working with npm so ignored that warning. I did not add gentypeconfig
to bsconfig.json
either. Does that mean that pnpm
is treating gentype
as a peer dependency
? There aren't any listed in the repo, anyway.
I’ll have to update the readme for BS usage I think.
Basically neither bs-platform nor genType are listed as peer dependencies in the package.json
for raw JS, TypeScript, and Flow support. But they are indeed needed to compile Wonka with BuckleScript.
I have been trying to install
on a reason project for last two days and cant seem to get it to be recognized.reproduction here:
Steps to repoduce error
Setup Project
Dependencies have been installed with
.Add new deps to
:Run Project
On running
npm start
compiler error is:Thank you, sir.