0ptera / Logistic-Train-Network

Factorio mod adding logistic network for trains.
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Add option to hide rich text descriptions #297

Closed TechnoStrife closed 2 years ago

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

According to this suggestion: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=214&t=82823

This options allows to replace [item= or [fluid= with [img=item/ or [img=fluid/ in train stop names so that it doesn't clutter the chat.

Note that german locale needs to be updated.

0ptera commented 2 years ago

Like I said years ago in this Thread: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?p=524259#p524259

LTN will use the same format as in game chat. If you want images only, use the img= format when naming stops.

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

Currently the game supports only inserting [item= and [fluid= without explicitly typing the whole thing. It doesn't even allow to change [item= to [img=item/ without commands and copy-pasting everything elsewhere. Both are undesirable.

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

The game works perfectly without LTN installed because it allows to easily put items in the names. When you use LTN and put items in the names, they get printed in the chat and clog it, which is why it is an LTN issue.

0ptera commented 2 years ago

Factorio has full support for [img=item/ tags. Just the way of writing those tags is not as comfortable.

LTN works perfectly with whatever stop name players pick and will always print them exactly as Factorio itself would.

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

Is there an issue with modifying the train stop name? I've made another setting for that and nothing would change if you don't activate it.

0ptera commented 2 years ago

No, LTN works on entity.unit_number. Other mods renaming stops don't bother it. (as long as renamed events are raised)

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

So why not just allow players to use what the game has and not bother them with typing rich tags? This is just an optional QoL improvement. I just don't see any reason against it.

0ptera commented 2 years ago

Players are allowed to use whatever names they want and LTN will faithfully represent those.

If you want RichText QoL use dedicated mods for that.

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

Why would I want to use another mod when everything works perfectly except for this one thing? Can you give at least one reason for not having this feature?

0ptera commented 2 years ago

For the 3rd time, station names should be written as the base game would. Don't like it, use the other tag. Feel that's too bothersome, use RichtTextFormater.

LTN is not going to inherit feature bloat for things other mods already do better.

TechnoStrife commented 2 years ago

Well, in the base game station names are always written without descriptions even if they are sent in the chat, so according to you, LTN should print stations like this, using [train-stop=number]: factorio_uWjClPWSDa

0ptera commented 2 years ago

Fair point. I had no idea that was changed. Won't implement it tacked into MakeGpsString, but it'll be optional to return to showing the full name.

Edit: Next version will use [train-stop=entity.unit_number] and [train=locomotive.unit_number] leaving formatting to Factorios chat system. grafik