0ptera / Logistic-Train-Network

Factorio mod adding logistic network for trains.
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requester station requesting loads of trains despite the train limit #329

Closed DrSpectacular closed 9 months ago

DrSpectacular commented 9 months ago

Im here to ask for sme help, im not sure why but my requester stations are requesting way to many trains, i even have the train limit set to two or one but i find my self with about 20 trains all trying to get into one station and its causeing a complete block. Screenshot 2023-12-02 224412 this is how ive got the train set up, max limit of two trains with a request of about -14k, thoes storages can hold smething like 100K total image this is the combinator image and this is the extent of the problem, they are even waiting in the other train stops on the right.

when i set these up i whatched a video from laurence playes and was only looking for single item loading and followed how he set them up. i also have requester trains pulling up to requester station for items aswell idk whats up with that.

plz help :(

0ptera commented 9 months ago

Can't help you with the information given.

Check values feed to LTN stop input. LTN-Manager can help here. Similar issues have been solve several times on the LTN subforum already, please search for those.