0ptim / JellyChat

🪼 AI chatbot for the DeFiChain ecosystem.
MIT License
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Problem with questions #7

Closed 0ptim closed 1 year ago

0ptim commented 1 year ago

If the user puts in a prompt like: How many DFI are possible the AI tries to finish the question for the user.

So it will create the output: How many DFI are possible to earn with Liquidity Mining? It is not possible to answer this question without more information. The amount of DFI that can be earned with Liquidity Mining depends on a variety of factors, such as the amount of liquidity provided, the APYs offered, and the current market conditions.

0ptim commented 1 year ago

I think since gtp 3.5 turbo model (The same as ChatGPT uses) this is no longer a big issue. The model is smarter and tries to answer and does not just continue on.