0to9Digital / SEO-Lite-Pro

The most powerfull SEO module for ExpressionEngine.
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title not displaying #9

Closed diversionarytactic closed 2 years ago

diversionarytactic commented 2 years ago

The {title} does not appear to render. {site_name} is, but {title} is not.


0to9Digital commented 2 years ago

Hi @diversionarytactic

Have you saved the entries again (after installing seo lite v2)?

And is you're SEO Lite template like below? <title>{title}</title><meta name='keywords' content='{meta_keywords}' /><meta name='description' content='{meta_description}' /><link rel='canonical' href='{canonical_url}' /><meta name='robots' content='{robots_directive}' /><!-- Open Graph --><meta property='og:title' content='{og_title}' />{if og_description}<meta property='og:description' content='{og_description}' />{/if}{if og_type}<meta property='og:type' content='{og_type}' />{/if}{if og_url}<meta property='og:url' content='{og_url}' />{/if}{if og_image}<meta property='og:image' content='{og_image}' />{/if}<!-- Twitter Card --><meta property='twitter:title' content='{twitter_title}' />{if twitter_type}<meta property='twitter:card' content='{twitter_type}' />{/if}{if twitter_description}<meta property='twitter:description' content='{twitter_description}' />{/if}{if twitter_image}<meta property='twitter:image' content='{twitter_image}' />{/if}<!-- generated by SEO Lite (v2) (0to9 Creative Impact Agency) -->

diversionarytactic commented 2 years ago

Hello @0to9Digital - Originally I removed the Twitter stuff, but I reinput all the above and saved some of the entries after an uninstall/reinstall of v2 and I still do not get the title to render. I'm also seeing this on some entries (see screenshot) screenshot-SEO

dorothyDorothy commented 2 years ago

I have also tried to uninstall v2 and still see these broken tabs. Do you have a fix for this?

0to9Digital commented 2 years ago

Hi @diversionarytactic ,

It looks like the update from version 1 to version 2 had a bug. Please roll back to version 1 and use v2.0.5. This will fix the issue.

After this update the {title} field will work as expected.

diversionarytactic commented 2 years ago

Hi @0to9Digital - I'm horribly sad to say, this did not fix my issues. Still no title, still extraneous links on entry pages. not sure what I'm doing wrong. I bumped down to 1.5.6, cleared caches, cleared database tables. Upgraded to 2.0.5, same stuff.

If I'm missing something or doing things incorrectly, please let me know! Thanks for the help. Tre.