0todd0000 / spm1d

One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping in Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Imposing balance on unbalanced designs #195

Closed 0todd0000 closed 2 years ago

0todd0000 commented 2 years ago

(This is paraphrased from an email discussion)

spm1d version 0.4 does not support unbalanced designs for two-way ANOVA. Is it possible to impose balance?

0todd0000 commented 2 years ago

Yes, below is some example code (below) for imposing balance. The get_random_balanced function should be called a number of times, to yield a number of random datasets, to ensure that the results do not qualitatively change.

from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spm1d
from spm1d import rft1d

def get_random_balanced(y, A, B):
    # find combinations of the A and B factor levels:
    uA      = np.unique(A)
    uB      = np.unique(B)
    combs   = list(  product( uA , uB )  )  # combinations of all A & B levels
    # find minimum number of observations across combinations:
    n       = [((A==a) & (B==b)).sum()  for a,b in combs]
    nmin    = min( n )  # minimum group size
    # select random group subsets:
    yb      = []       # holder for balanced observations
    Ab,Bb   = [],[]    # holders for balanced factor vectors
    for a,b in combs:
        yy  = y[(A==a) & (B==b)]
        nn  = yy.shape[0]  # group size
        if nn != nmin:
            ind = np.random.permutation( nn )[:nmin]
            yy  = yy[ind]
        yb.append( yy )
        Ab += [a]*nmin
        Bb += [b]*nmin
    yb      = np.vstack( yb )
    Ab      = np.array( Ab )
    Bb      = np.array( Bb )
    return yb, Ab, Bb

# create an unbalanced dataset:
y    = rft1d.randn1d(38, 101, 20)
a    = [0]*5 + [1]*8 + [2]*6
A    = np.array( [a]*2 ).flatten()
B    = np.array( [0]*19 + [1]*19 )

# impose balance:
yb,Ab,Bb = get_random_balanced(y, A, B)

# conduct ANOVA:
alpha        = 0.05
# FF           = spm1d.stats.anova2(y, A, B, equal_var=True)  # this will produce a balance error
FF           = spm1d.stats.anova2(yb, Ab, Bb, equal_var=True)
FFi          = FF.inference(alpha)
print( FFi )

# plot results:
FFi.plot(plot_threshold_label=True, plot_p_values=True)