0todd0000 / spm1d

One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping in Python
GNU General Public License v3.0
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> 1D dependent data (more question than issue) #73

Closed bernard-liew closed 6 years ago

bernard-liew commented 6 years ago

Hi Todd,

How have you been? I refer to the question already posed (https://github.com/0todd0000/spm1d/issues/70).

I am thinking of analysing signals from two spatial dimensions (X, Y) on a high density EMG grid, coupled with the time domain makes it 3D? How is nD data analysis different from multivariate SPM? I assume it is the model of randomness. The reason I ask is simple. In knee angle for example, it can naturally be decomposed into XYZ coordinates. It seems similar to having multiple signals along a grid, which can be naturally thought of as (x1,x,2,x3,xn..) and (y1,y2,y3,yn..) coordinates.

At first I thought that multivariate analysis is like analyzing different colours of the same fruit, and nD data different fruits. Again I think it is the assumption used in modelling the randomness.

PS: Any room in a collaboration with you or any of your co-authors to learn nD SPM, in a paper?

Regards, Bernard

0todd0000 commented 6 years ago

Hi Bernard, A similar discussion was just raised on spm1d's MATLAB forum here: spm1d MATLAB issue 61: spm1d on mesh (3D) If that doesn't answer your questions please let me know. Todd

bernard-liew commented 6 years ago

Hi Todd,

Many thanks for the link. It answer some question, but perhaps, I was looking more for the theoretical why. Why is a 3D neuroimaging data for example different to a 3D knee angle? What in the data lends the former unsuitable for a multivariate analysis, and the latter suitable?

Kind regards, Bernard

0todd0000 commented 6 years ago

Hi Bernard,

To understand why, consider that:

In many Biomechanics experiments measured data may be regarded as mDnD continua. For example:

In Neuroimaging there are two common examples:

Note that the physical nature of the dependent variable is identical at all points in the continuum. So in the second example above (Knee angle during stance phase), the physical meaning of "knee angle" is constant throughout the 1D continuum. Similarly, in the second-last Biomechanics example (Von mises stress in bone), the physical meaning of Von mises stress is identical at all points in the 3D continuum.

In all of the examples above, univariate analyses are appropriate for n=1 and multivariate analyses are appropriate for n>1.


0todd0000 commented 5 years ago

Preliminary support for 2D data analysis has been added to spm1d! Example 2D analysis (Python) Example 2D analysis (MATLAB)