0x-jerry / vscode-hexo-utils

vscode sidebar for hexo.
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Extension breaks Markdown Preview regarding Images #46

Closed kristofzerbe closed 2 years ago

kristofzerbe commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Don't know why, but the default VSCode Markdown preview (and others) was not able to preview images with relative paths. After disabling all extensions one by one, I discovered, that the images are shown only, when vscode-hexo-utils is disabled.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable vscode-hexo-utils
  2. Create Markdown file
  3. Store an image in the same folder, f.e. my-image.png
  4. Write ![description](my-image.png) in MD file
  5. Click on PREVIEW button

Expected behavior Image should be shown in preview

Plugin version(please complete the following information): latest

0x-jerry commented 2 years ago

Fixed, please upgrade and try again. And thanks for your feedback.