0x-jerry / vscode-hexo-utils

vscode sidebar for hexo.
MIT License
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time format is uncorrect #49

Closed cyang812 closed 2 years ago

cyang812 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug The time format in article like that:

date: 2022/05/04 16:29:40
update: 2022/05/04 16:29:40

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Change the hexo.generateTimeFormat as YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss

Expected behavior

date: 2022/05/04 16:29:40
update: 2022/05/04 16:29:40

Screenshots image

Plugin version(please complete the following information): v0.2.2

0x-jerry commented 2 years ago

Fixed, please upgrade to v0.2.3 and try again.