0x00-0x00 / ShellPop

Pop shells like a master.
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Question: what has this tool msfvenom's hasn't? #34

Closed q2dg closed 5 years ago

q2dg commented 5 years ago


0x00-0x00 commented 5 years ago

Well, they are totally different tools.

For msfvenom, it is a SHELLCODE generator, which you could use in binary exploitation exploits. There is also the possibility to create staged and stageless payloads to a file which in turn execute this SHELLCODE using many techniques and a lot of formats, depending on the operational system. In windows, for example, to execute a meterpreter RAT, msfvenom creates a binary file in PE format which uses Reflective DLL Loader to inject this above mentioned shellcode into a remote process.

Shellpop, on other hand, is a Reverse Shell Generator with many capabilities like obfuscation and reaches a lot of exoteric protocols for reverse shells (like UDP), but don't go anything beyond that.

So, another practical difference from both tools would be the scenario below:

You have a RCE vulnerability in a web application, you could:


You can note that MSFVENOM relies on the premise of another tool to download it's code and execute, while Shellpop, as a reverse shell generator, does not. It can be executed directly through the vulnerable vector and directly "from memory";

If you still need something to be cleared up, please, ask away.

If not, tell me that I can close this issue!

q2dg commented 5 years ago

Ooh, a perfect explanation! Thanks a lot. I'll close the issue, then. Thanks!

0x00-0x00 commented 5 years ago

Just as a side-note, my statement in first post might be misguiding when I say that "msfvenom is a shellcode generator".

msfvenom also have some other functionalities like generating payload files for web applications in general (php, war, asp, etc.) that are not shellcode-and-process injection related and have some similarities with shellpop main functionality, which is: "getting shells through code execution".

Their main difference is that shellpop focus on dynamic one-liner commands to get shell, while msfvenom in most situations like this generates you a file, which in some situations could be cumbersome (too big) or troublesome (no way to upload files, just execute commands).

Command execution is a primitive condition in order to get a remote shell before uploading files. It is probable that sometimes you will achieve command execution but file upload is not viable or even possible.