0x192 / universal-android-debloater

Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
GNU General Public License v3.0
15.78k stars 829 forks source link

More Realme packages #465

Open eleius opened 1 year ago

eleius commented 1 year ago

FYI there are more Realme packages in this dedicated (regularly updated) list: https://github.com/realKarthikNair/realme-ui-debloater/blob/main/Linux%20Version/debloat.sh

AnonymousWP commented 1 year ago

I extracted the following unknown APKs from a new Realme Pad tablet, can upload them somewhere if needed.

All certificates are by oplus.com (Oplus, DongGuan, CN)

com.oppo.rftoolkit - 111,5 kb monitors the broadcast action events (BOOT_COMPLETED) activities: com.oppo.rftoolkit.RfToolkitCustomerService com.oppo.rftoolkit.RfToolkitBandSelect com.oppo.rftoolkit.RfToolkitAgingTest com.oppo.rftoolkit.RfToolkitAgingSubTest

com.oppoex.afterservice "After-Sales Service" - 11,3 mb checks Build.FINGERPRINT and Build.MANUFACTURER uses SQLite Database reads/writes to External Storage access internet, sms, gps/wifi hardcoded URLs: https://after-sales-eu.coloros.com/after_service_information_india.xml https://after-sales-eu.coloros.com/after_service_information.xml activities: com.oppoex.afterservice.MainActivity com.oppoex.afterservice.activity.CustomHotline com.oppoex.afterservice.activity.BaseActivity com.oppoex.afterservice.activity.CustomCenterIndia

com.ape.mtbf "MTBF Tools" - 8,7 mb Dialer Code: 68238665 uses SQLite Database reads/writes to External Storage all sorts of permissions (camera, mic, battery, radio, led, sim, gps, nfc...) hardcoded URLs (include a book!): http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0571058086/qid=1099836249/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_11_3/202-6017285-1620664 http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0571058086qid=1099836249/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_11_3/202-6017285-1620664 http://www.andykhan.com/jexcelapi

com.ape.factory - 7,4 mb checks Build.SERIAL and ro.build.type all sorts of permissions and activities (camera, mic, battery, radio, led, sim, gps, nfc...) reads/writes to External Storage

com.oplus.batterywarning - 4,3 mb uses accessibility, gps/wifi

com.yha.runtime "RuntimeTest" - 31 mb reads/writes to External Storage uses wifi, camera, sensors, mic, etc. lots of activities (hardware tests?): FlashTest, VibratorTest, WIFITest, Reboot, LCDTest, AudioLoop, VideoTest, CameraTest, Tester3dTeapot, FullMemTest, ScreenSaver...

com.yha.engineersecret - 407 kb reads/writes to External Storage gets the IMEI, uses gps/wifi lots of activities (hardware tests?): IMeiAndPcbCheck, DeviceListActivity, CheckSoftwareInfo, GpsActivity, BluetoothTest, BluetoothSearch, LteSarTest, NetworkSearch, DecryptionActivity...

com.sprd.logmanager "YLog" - 3 mb ro.product.device High Intent Priority (1000) uses SQLite Database reads/writes to External Storage hardcoded URLs: www.google.com

com.spreadtrum.sgps "SGPS" - 302 kb Dialer Code: 2266 internet and gps access reads/writes to External Storage hardcoded URLs: http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0

com.android.phone.injection - 8,6 kb very small apk, it's a single class which assigns a constant numeric value to a variable called telephony_injection

com.unisoc.phone "LockAssistant" - 735 kb runs before the user unlocks the device (direct-boot aware) reads imei, sms, call log, uses gps/wifi activities: com.unisoc.phone.smartcallforward.SmartDualSIMActivity com.unisoc.phone.simlock.ChooseSimLockTypeActivity com.unisoc.phone.simlock.NckSimLockActivity com.unisoc.phone.simlock.UnLockActivity com.unisoc.phone.uplmn.UplmnSettings com.unisoc.phone.simlock.SimLockActivity com.unisoc.phone.SimPlugActivity

com.sprd.uasetting "UASetting" - 45 kb reads/writes to External Storage

Please create a separate issue for this.