0x192 / universal-android-debloater

Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
GNU General Public License v3.0
15.25k stars 809 forks source link

Import of exported selection list (txt) missing (?) #479

Open Radoom opened 1 year ago

Radoom commented 1 year ago

Not sure if I'm blind, or it's just not there!? Import button to re-import previous selection? (Sorry if duplicating, but couldn't find any issue/feature request here under the issues - but likely overlooked it, as it's such a must-have others must have missed before me!? Maybe hidden under a non-telling headline?)

"Export current selection" writes to (and overwrites any previous!) "uad_exported_selection.txt". I get it, this file then lists all the packages that were selected for uninstallation/deactivation. Great. So I spent "hours" to tick through all the possible packages and decide what I want to remove. Export => Efforts saved, great. Let UAD do it's magic and debloat my device. Still working? Fine! Re-apply same selection after next ROM upgrade... Or soft-bricked/boot-looped... damn. Start over after restoring the system. As there's no "import" button, I have to re-tick so and so many dozens of packages manually (copy-paste parts of package strings from the exported file into search, tick the hit, repeat for next package...over and over).
=> Where's the button to import that .txt file (and then de-select the one or other "suspect" that I may have ticked too much)?

Other usage scenario (my case): all in a household have the same devices, so the "admin" only has to know her/his ways for one type and re-apply the same procedures to each of them...

Same question raised here and here on the xda forums... but no response there as far as I can see from reading the whole thread...

0rtz commented 1 year ago

That makes sense. Import of previously exported selections would be useful

maxkolenko commented 11 months ago

Import of an arbitrary list of packages would be great.

Rudxain commented 9 months ago

That's already implemented, but it's so implicit that it begs for explicit documentation!

I also struggled to do this, but it's actually easy:

  1. Select some packs
  2. Export
  3. Close UAD completely
  4. Open it again
  5. The packs are still selected

However, I may not remember properly, that was some months ago.

There should be an import button, to explicitly use any list, regardless of name or directory path. Currently, it only works if the full path is the same as export path, which is not convenient