0x1F9F1 / Open1560

A mod for Midtown Madness 1, primarily focused on supporting modern computers and fixing bugs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash /w Error When Breaking Glass !! #123

Closed alienfxfiend closed 1 year ago

alienfxfiend commented 1 year ago

I get this crash when breaking glass at high speed, has happened to me even /w dgvoodoo2 (though I prefer not to use it) though it doesn't crash when I use the MM Revisited V3 mod (but this mod changes the Sunset from orange to blue so I prefer not to use it.) Can you please fix this bug so I can play MM /w 1560 alone ?! Running Windows 10 64-bit lappy has 8 Gigs RAM & "Intel HD Graphics 4200" 1GB @ 1366x768 startup arguments are: -heapsize 256 -nodamage -nowindow -maxcops 0 -msaa 4 -afilter 16 -scaling 1 -fovfix true -nativeres true. Also [MetroSetting] -> "Graphics Setting" -> Midtown Madness exe set to "High Performance" & I have Comodo Internet Security (HIPS disabled) & I run the shortcut as Admin. I love this game, wish I could play it nonstop, hoping the crash can be rectified !! First happened to me /w the Cadillac crashing into the glass at the potted plants building complex in the top center, then happens during breaking into the glass near the bridge area. I use a bunch of AR mod cars & I have MM Revisited V3 mod disabled cause I don't like the sky textures for the Sunset. Please see attached screenshot....

ABORT: Exception caught during simulate loop, saving replay. Crash When Breaking Glass

0x1F9F1 commented 1 year ago

After the game crashes, please upload the Open1560.log from your game's directory

alienfxfiend commented 1 year ago

After the game crashes, please upload the Open1560.log from your game's directory

Alright, will do.

alienfxfiend commented 1 year ago

Here you go, I had all other .AR mods (cars basically) disabled yet it crashed —I was driving a Panoz Roadster Gray when I hit into the glass crashing the game (similar to my previous crash /w the MM2 Cars Mod where I was driving an Aston Martin DB7 into the glass.) In this case I had all my commandline arguments removed from the shortcut (I was testing the commandline.txt approach but it did not work (do they each have to be on a new line ? /w the hyphen ?) P.S: Maybe it doesn't crash /w my commandline arguments dunno will retest —these are the ones I'm using: -heapsize 256 -nodamage -window -noborder -maxcops 0 -msaa 8 -afilter 16 -scaling 1 -fovfix -nativeres -nospeedycops -mousemode 2 -maxfps=300 -nosmoothstep -nosync


P.P.S: Yep this time crashed again, /w the commandline arguments (could it be because I launched it from MultiCommander & not my usual PowerToys Run Launcher ? Here you go the new crash log: Open1560.log P.P.PS: Crashed again even when running from PowerToys Run Launcher, this time all it took was breaking a bridge stop post ~> Open1560.log It's worth mentioning I use QuickAdmin tool to bypass UAC it creates a QALNK shortcut instead of LNK & runs the app as admin. Also I'm using WindowBlinds 10 /w a dark skin. Game doesn't crash when using MM1 Revisited V3 (but I dislike the sunset sky textures.)

Oof I took them before clicking O.K. in the error box, this might be more useful (I'am not sure but I think it's post-crash-exited) ~~> Open1560.log UPDATE: Game crashes when breaking glass sometimes even on lowest\ toned-down Graphics\ Audio settings !

Cheers !

0x1F9F1 commented 1 year ago

Can you run the following powershell command from the game directory and show the results?

Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name.EndsWith('ar', [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)} | Foreach-Object { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name=$_.Name.ToLower(); Length=$_.Length; Hash=(Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA1 $_.FullName).Hash } } | Format-Table -Auto
alienfxfiend commented 1 year ago

Sure thing, I formatted the table for your convenience. Please take a look. All other mods have been renamed to .ar.bk right now, /w only 1560.ar running, still crashes when breaking glass though. ~~> MM1 List of AR Mods PowerShell Output

alienfxfiend commented 1 year ago

I think disabling all those .ar mods by renaming them to .ar.bk was a big mistake ! (probably still disrupting the detection code internally !) I relocated those .ar mods to a different folder & now the game is working so much smoother & w/o any fps lag ! Hasn't crashed once since I played for a few minutes. Thank you so much for guiding me. I'll close it, if it crashes again I'll re-open. Thank you for helping me isolate the problem. Cheers mate !