0x1iii1ii / PPPwn-Luckfox

PPPwn PS4 Exploit for Luckfox Pico Pro/Max/Plus/Mini
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Password won't work for me. How can I troubleshoot? #14

Open Ayala opened 2 weeks ago

Ayala commented 2 weeks ago

Purchased a Luckfox Pico Max RV1106, followed the steps several times using the 1106 chip selection and copied all except the update image. All works as instructed until I have to enter the "luckfox" password to ssh in and I'm denied access.

I've tried several times with different cards and I can't get through.

thanks in advance for any assistance.

0x1iii1ii commented 2 weeks ago

are you sure you burn the OS right? try to use Login: root, Password: luckfox If you can log in, that's means your SD has a problem or you made a mistake when burning the OS.

Jstzo2u commented 2 weeks ago

Login name: ”root“ or ”pico“, password: luckfox

Ayala commented 2 weeks ago

are you sure you burn the OS right? try to use Login: root, Password: luckfox If you can log in, that's means your SD has a problem or you made a mistake when burning the OS.

Yeah I've created it multiple times on two separate cards and I've tried both root and pico as user. I'm waiting for another card since I suppose both my sd cards could be bad (unlikely, but trying to eliminate points of error).

Ayala commented 2 weeks ago

5th time was the charm... I went through 5 SD cards ultimately the 5th card seemed to do the trick, a 64gb sandisk card. I didn't think I'd have to go up this high in capacity but he other cars weren't taking.