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The Hackerspace Blueprint
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Hackerspaces are not for Hackers #37

Closed abitrolly closed 4 years ago

abitrolly commented 4 years ago

Hey @galgalesh. I can confirm everything you said - people are living in different realities, and that's awesome by itself. The more alternative realities, the more parallel worlds exists, the better. This dull time wasting called life becomes more interesting. You can always hack your own reality by submerging in someone's else. Except that when the Agent Smith's comes, you need to go out and make some money. And I am talking about Adam Smith [FRSA], of course. The economic consensus, sometimes enforced, is what pulls people with different realities to work together. Hackerspace is no exception - it is a play by the rules that controls the physical space around it, and I mean the land. The gameplay to sell land to who pays the most or setting to help new people appearing in this world, there is a fog of this land. The fog that people breath and with each inhale they become the part of the fog, and the fog becomes a part of them. If there is a pattern, and no time to think, people will adopt the pattern, and in the worst scenarios a hackerspace could become a worst bureaucracy ever invented, because people who got into the perimeter have to fight with the monster daily. That happens when new people were not exposed to the bureaucracy long enough to safely navigate around its edges. No matter what hackerspace becomes, it is a gate for a different culture. A gate in space and time, hacked by ones who know how to hack, to create a breathing zone for things that could not otherwise exist in the material plane. And as such, the gate is an attractor in the chaos for different "beasts and fairies" of different realities. Among which you'd expect to find those you would like to bind with, the ones who would find labeling themselves "a hacker" lame, unless you want to be challenged and inevitably pwned. Hacking a window into material plane may take 10 minutes. Maintaining the window is a different story, and appreciating those who do should not be part of this text, but it is. The maintainers, or keepers are the ones who day after day ensure that the window into the outer realities is not closed. Maybe driven by curiosity, maybe by social exploration - you can not say for sure what drives them. The "fairies" of the outer space, and also the "beasts". Attracted by the opening, all kinds of species start to flow through the gates. Not even from the "Hacker's Plane". Some of them attracted by the light of curiosity, some by the darkness of security, and many others by the reason unknown. It would be impractical to ignore those who are attracted by the money, the power and the glory ([1], 2). The hackerpace that doesn't emit a warding signs of appreciating the values of hacker culture, becomes an opportunity for those to use do-ocracy as a funny gameplay to get to the top. Getting to the top is in their blood and circuits. The cells that give hyper motivation, the meaning and the drive. The circuits that may form a useful hack on their own, but sometimes short circuit, stuck in the portal, feeding its instincts and protecting territory. The gate places every specie in a bodymind system that is regulated by hormones and works on its own. The systems that triggers on its own, and its funny thing to observer, and for some to overcome. The CPU with RTOS that is controlled by you only half of its cycles if not less, is adorable. I hope you can appreciate the hack value of it for whatever force created these systems. The systems that worked good in creating one-to-one bindings are bad at following the guidelines, rules, code of conducts. They require a fine art process of fine tuning the communication, not the crude pictures that somebody drew in its head and then put on paper. If bodymind systems starts to conflict, rules do not matter. They just become another hacking object that can possibly break in the process. The rules and regulations itself appear, because there is already a conflict. A signal that something could not coexists in the limited exit area of a space portal - the mental space, the cyber space, the whatever space, but now appeared.. in this physical space in a form of a body first, and the mind second, if the mind learned to be open and if the space gave it the opportunity to stay this way. Rules come with punishment, and punished mind closes to avoid being punished again. The tone of the voice, the hacker's attitude, the hack and offence born by impedance mismatch of different species and cultures. Hackerspace is not for hackers. The best hackers in the world are the ones that noboby knows about. Hackerspaces require real names. Hackerspaces have to be regulated by the laws of the world they appear in. The laws that deter anonymity through different means, being it a municipal requirement of membership using the ID of bodymind system, or so called "anti-money laundering" requirement to ID whose who are just donating. The world that deters pseudonyms and different identities for different purposes. The world where open bodymind systems are punished, learn to become offended, and gradually the transparency for them becomes equal to insecurity. This is not the place for hackers. Making, entrepreneurship, social activities, coding dojos, open source activities - all of those are great things that all have a vast area of hacking to explore, they can not coexist with sometimes hostile, sometimes too idealistic strive for freedom, a personal one, and when personal hacker's freedoms collide, there is inevitably a nuclear reaction, the energy, the heat and the sun that power some of us, but hazardous for the others. Hackerspaces are not for hackers. Once you turn up there, you become a bodymind system, and hardly many people in the world can control what happens with it. The bodymind system transceives information on its own, it need personal face to face meetings to sync. It is hardly you can preserve your identity in the other world, and it is a lot of fun to experience that without knowing. Hacking the things is not the same as maintaining the relationships. If there were once those who hacked this gate through space, then maybe there are ones who hacking it to pass through time. The best of them remain unknown, but in those hidden relationships between we all know each other. What we can do to make sure the gates are open, are fed them resources and to tell the stories about scene and hacking through space and time. To cherish the gatekeepers when some of us pass by, learn about the world, and be welcomed to join their ranks to tame beasts lurking in the fog.