Open 0x416c616e opened 3 years ago
Also, the movement will be where the player moves, but the screen doesn't. Map loading is the weakest link in this game, so the idea of keeping the player in the center of the screen and re-loading XML/tiles/etc for every movement lambda is not possible.
Still use XML for the player's save file, but not for map data.
Current objectives:
Event class: attributes: String eventType; //can be movement, dialogue, fight, randomEncounter, treasure, or shop int eventX; int eventY; int items[10]; String dialogue[10]; String monsterName; int encounterChance; //1-100 int goldAmount;
Later I will need to make classes for Monster, Fight, Treasure, Dialogue, Inventory, InGameMenu, etc. Things get put into a new Pane which gets put into the mainMenu Pane, and when the event is over, the pane is removed and set to null and then System.gc() gets called.
Handling different resolutions: Maybe for 720p and 800p, have the same useful tiles, but for 800p, it just has two extra rows of useless tiles at the bottom. For 1080P, maybe make the tiles bigger to have the same number of tiles, even if it doesn't perfectly fit into 1920 and 1080 (i.e. if it multiplies to 1060 or something).
Finished items 1-7 on the above comment, currently working on #8.