0x4byte / trans

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2020-08-18 #1

Open 0x4byte opened 4 years ago

0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice.
        - "this range has not been tested on animals"
    Synonyms: try out, trial, carry out trials on, put to the test, put through its paces, experiment with, pilot, check, examine, assess, evaluate, appraise, investigate, analyze, scrutinize, study, probe, explore, sample, screen

    a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.
        - "no sparking was visible during the tests"
    Synonyms: trial, experiment, pilot study, tryout, check, examination, assessment, evaluation, appraisal, investigation, inspection, analysis, scrutiny, scrutinization, study, probe, exploration, screening, audition, screen test

    a movable hearth in a reverberating furnace, used for separating gold or silver from lead.

    the shell or integument of some invertebrates and protozoans, especially the chalky shell of a foraminiferan or the tough outer layer of a tunicate.

        - put a strain on, strain, tax, try, make demands on, stretch, drain, sap, challenge
        - assay
        - try out, trial, carry out trials on, put to the test, put through its paces, experiment with, pilot, check, examine, assess, evaluate, appraise, investigate, analyze, scrutinize, study, probe, explore, sample, screen
        - difficult, challenging, tough, hard, stressful, trying, wearing, taxing, demanding, exacting, onerous, arduous

        - assay
        - trial, experiment, pilot study, tryout, check, examination, assessment, evaluation, appraisal, investigation, inspection, analysis, scrutiny, scrutinization, study, probe, exploration, screening, audition, screen test
        - criterion, proof, indication, yardstick, touchstone, standard, measure, litmus test, barometer
        - exam, examination, paper, set of questions, quiz

    - this is the first serious test of the peace agreement

    - researchers developed a test for the virus

    - a positive test for protein

    - such behavior would severely test any marriage

    - a statutory test of obscenity

    - a spelling test

    - a useful way to test out ideas before implementation
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment.
        - "Don Giovanni had its first performance in 1787"
    Synonyms: show, production, showing, presentation, entertainment, staging, act, concert, recital, house

    the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function.
        - "the continual performance of a single task reduces a man to the level of a machine"
    Synonyms: carrying out, execution, discharge, conducting, conduct, effecting, accomplishment, achievement, completion, fulfillment, dispatch, implementation

        - carrying out, execution, discharge, conducting, conduct, effecting, accomplishment, achievement, completion, fulfillment, dispatch, implementation
        - show, production, showing, presentation, entertainment, staging, act, concert, recital, house
        - functioning, working, operation, running, behavior, capabilities, capability, capacity, power, potential
        - rendition, rendering, interpretation, account, playing, acting, representation, staging
        - effectuation
        - gig

    - this car's performance is top class

    - the continual performance of a single task reduces a man to the level of a machine

    - unit-trust performance

    - the band were giving a live performance on stage

    - we've kept a record of your performance this year

    - a dynamic performance by Davis

    - that was our best performance this year

    - the first performance of the play was in 1957

    - the performance of duties

    - the hardware is put through tests that assess the performance of the processor

    - pay increases are now being linked more closely to performance

    - Bailey gives a sound performance as the doctor

    - Don Giovanni had its first performance in 1787
0x4byte commented 4 years ago
unit-trust performance

(Dānwèi xìnrèn jīxiào)

Translations of unit-trust performance
[ English -> 简体中文 ]

unit-trust performance
    单位信任绩效, 单位信托性能
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    (of a structure) having fallen down or given way.
        - "an abandoned building with a collapsed roof"

    (of a person) having fallen down and become unconscious.
        - "police officers rushed to the aid of the collapsed woman"

    having failed completely.
        - "the country's collapsed economy"

        - flop, fizzle out, flatline
        - flake out, conk out, go out
        - swoon
        - faint, pass out, black out, lose consciousness, fall unconscious, keel over
        - cave in, fall in, subside, fall down, sag, slump, settle, give, give way, crumble, crumple, disintegrate, fall to pieces, come apart
        - break down, fail, fall through, fold, founder, fall flat, miscarry, go wrong, come to nothing, come to grief, be frustrated, be unsuccessful, not succeed, disintegrate, come to a halt, end, terminate

    - an abandoned building with a collapsed roof

    - compensation for workers in collapsed pension schemes

    - the country's collapsed economy

    - police officers rushed to the aid of the collapsed woman

    - he was admitted to hospital with a collapsed lung

See also