0x4byte / trans

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2020-08-20 #3

Open 0x4byte opened 4 years ago

0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    existing, happening, or done at the same time.
        - "there are three concurrent art fairs around the city"
    Synonyms: simultaneous, coincident, coinciding, contemporaneous, synchronous, parallel, side by side, coexisting, coexistent

        - convergent, converging, meeting, joining, uniting, intersecting
        - simultaneous, coincident, coinciding, contemporaneous, synchronous, parallel, side by side, coexisting, coexistent

    - there are three concurrent art fairs around the city

    - concurrent access
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    express disapproval of.
        - "what I deprecate is persistent indulgence"
    Synonyms: knock, slam, hammer, cane, blast, bad-mouth, pull to pieces, pull apart, hit out at, slate, slag off, rubbish

    another term for depreciate (sense 2).
        - "he deprecates the value of children's television"

        - slash, vituperate against, reprobate
        - disapprove of, deplore, abhor, find unacceptable, be against, frown on, take a dim view of, look askance at, take exception to, detest, despise, execrate, criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, protest against, inveigh against, rail against
        - animadvert on, asperse, derogate
        - knock, slam, hammer, cane, blast, bad-mouth, pull to pieces, pull apart, hit out at, slate, slag off, rubbish

See also
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    having the shape of a cube.
        - "a cubic room"

    a cubic equation, or a curve described by one.

    - 15 billion cubic meters of water

    - a cubic equation

    - a cubic room
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    a way in which a thing is done or happens.
        - "taking notes in an unobtrusive manner"
    Synonyms: way, fashion, mode, means, method, system, style, approach, technique, procedure, process, methodology, modus operandi, form, routine, practice

    a person's outward bearing or way of behaving toward others.
        - "a shy and diffident manner"
    Synonyms: demeanor, air, aspect, attitude, appearance, look, bearing, cast, deportment, behavior, conduct, comportment, mien

    polite or well-bred social behavior.
        - "didn't your mother teach you any manners?"
    Synonyms: the done thing

        - rudeness, discourtesy, discourteousness, impoliteness, incivility, unmannerliness, boorishness, uncouthness, vulgarity, ungentlemanly behavior, unladylike behavior, lack of social grace, lack of refinement
        - correct behavior, etiquette, social graces, good form, protocol, politeness, decorum, propriety, gentility, civility, formalities, niceties, Ps and Qs, breeding, politesse
        - social behavior, behavior, conduct, way of behaving, form, social habit
        - way, fashion, mode, means, method, system, style, approach, technique, procedure, process, methodology, modus operandi, form, routine, practice
        - customs, habits, ways, practices, conventions, usages
        - demeanor, air, aspect, attitude, appearance, look, bearing, cast, deportment, behavior, conduct, comportment, mien
        - convenances
        - the done thing

    - there's no manner of doubt that you did it

    - she wears all manner of outfits

    - a dramatic poem in the manner of Goethe

    - he has a good manner with people

    - I don't like her manner

    - a shy and diffident manner

    - it's a manner of speaking

    - his arrogance and pompous manner

    - an adverb of manner

    - I'm unhappy with your manner to me

    - what manner of man is he?

    - the manner in which he spoke

    - taking notes in an unobtrusive manner

    - she dealt with me in a professional manner

    - I don't like his aggressive manner

    - he did it in the appropriate manner

    - our manner of life
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    a situation in which food and other necessities are available in sufficiently large quantities.
        - "such natural phenomena as famine and plenty"
    Synonyms: prosperity, affluence, wealth, opulence, comfort, well-being, luxury, plentifulness, abundance, fruitfulness, profusion

    a large or sufficient amount or quantity; more than enough.
        - "you'll have plenty to keep you busy"
    Synonyms: loads of, lots of, heaps of, bags of, stacks of, piles of, masses of, tons of, oodles of, oceans of, a raft of, a hatful of, more … than one can shake a stick at, lashings of, scads of, a slew of, gobs of, gazillions of, a swag of

    used to emphasize the degree of something.
        - "she has plenty more ideas"

        - plenteousness
        - prosperity, affluence, wealth, opulence, comfort, well-being, luxury, plentifulness, abundance, fruitfulness, profusion

        - a lot of, many, a great deal of, a good deal of, a large number/amount of, a plethora of, quantities of, enough, more than enough, enough and to spare, no lack of, sufficient, a wealth of, a feast of, a cornucopia of
        - loads of, lots of, heaps of, bags of, stacks of, piles of, masses of, tons of, oodles of, oceans of, a raft of, a hatful of, more … than one can shake a stick at, lashings of, scads of, a slew of, gobs of, gazillions of, a swag of
        - a deal of, a mickle of, a peck of

    - there was plenty room

    - you'll have plenty to keep you busy

    - I would have plenty of time to get home

    - such natural phenomena as famine and plenty

    - she has plenty more ideas
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
        - "the players displayed varying degrees of competence"
    Synonyms: capability, ability, competency, capacity, proficiency, accomplishment, adeptness, adroitness, knowledge, expertise, expertness, skill, skillfulness, prowess, mastery, resources, faculties, facilities, talent, bent, aptitude, artistry, virtuosity

    an income large enough to live on, typically unearned.
        - "he found himself with an ample competence and no obligations"

        - savvy, know-how
        - capability, ability, competency, capacity, proficiency, accomplishment, adeptness, adroitness, knowledge, expertise, expertness, skill, skillfulness, prowess, mastery, resources, faculties, facilities, talent, bent, aptitude, artistry, virtuosity
        - authority, power, control, jurisdiction, ambit, scope, remit
        - adequacy, appropriateness, suitability, fitness, effectiveness, efficacy, productiveness, value, worth, merit

    - he found himself with an ample competence and no obligations

    - the court's competence has been accepted

    - the players displayed varying degrees of competence
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    an arbitrator or mediator.
        - "Egypt managed to assert its role as a regional moderator"

    a person who moderates an Internet forum or online discussion.

    a substance used in a nuclear reactor to retard neutrons.

    - Egypt managed to assert its role as a regional moderator