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2020-08-21 #4

Open 0x4byte opened 4 years ago

0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    causing lighthearted laughter and amusement; comic.
        - "a humorous and entertaining talk"
    Synonyms: priceless, wacky, sidesplitting, rib-tickling, a scream, a hoot, a laugh, a barrel of laughs, killing

        - amusing, funny, entertaining, comic, comical, chucklesome, diverting, witty, jocular, lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek, wry, waggish, whimsical, playful, hilarious, uproarious, riotous, zany, facetious, farcical, absurd, droll
        - jocose
        - priceless, wacky, sidesplitting, rib-tickling, a scream, a hoot, a laugh, a barrel of laughs, killing

    - a humorous and entertaining talk

    - his humorous gray eyes
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.
        - "he was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise"
    Synonyms: self-effacing, self-deprecating, humble, unpretentious, unassuming, unpresuming, unostentatious, low-key, free from vanity, keeping one's light under a bushel, shy, bashful, self-conscious, diffident, timid, reserved, retiring, media-shy, reticent, quiet, coy, embarrassed, shamefaced, blushing, fearful, meek, docile, mild, apologetic, mim

    (of an amount, rate, or level) relatively moderate, limited, or small.
        - "employment growth was relatively modest"
    Synonyms: moderate, fair, tolerable, passable, adequate, satisfactory, acceptable, unexceptional, small, light, limited, scanty, skimpy, frugal, meager, sparse

    (of a woman) dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention.

        - self-effacing, self-deprecating, humble, unpretentious, unassuming, unpresuming, unostentatious, low-key, free from vanity, keeping one's light under a bushel, shy, bashful, self-conscious, diffident, timid, reserved, retiring, media-shy, reticent, quiet, coy, embarrassed, shamefaced, blushing, fearful, meek, docile, mild, apologetic, mim
        - small, ordinary, simple, plain, humble, homely, inexpensive, low-cost, cheap, poor, unostentatious, unpretentious, unimposing
        - decorous, decent, seemly, demure, sober, severe, coy, proper, discreet, delicate, chaste, virtuous
        - moderate, fair, tolerable, passable, adequate, satisfactory, acceptable, unexceptional, small, light, limited, scanty, skimpy, frugal, meager, sparse

    - the scheme was a modest success

    - at a modest price

    - she's modest about her results

    - modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee

    - modest clothing

    - they bought a modest house

    - a modest increase

    - we had bought a modest house

    - her income is modest

    - they're from modest beginnings

    - he was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise

    - it has a modest oil consumption

    - it was a modest affair

    - employment growth was relatively modest

    - drink modest amounts of alcohol
0x4byte commented 4 years ago
/ˈˌōpən ˈˌmīndid/

    willing to consider new ideas; unprejudiced.
        - "a serious and open-minded newspaper"
    Synonyms: receptive, open, open to suggestions, open to new ideas, amenable, flexible, responsive, willing to change, undogmatic

        - unbiased, unprejudiced, prejudice-free, accepting, nonpartisan, neutral, nonaligned, nonjudgmental, nondiscriminatory, anti-discrimination, objective, disinterested, dispassionate, detached, tolerant, liberal, permissive, broad-minded, undogmatic, unprescriptive
        - receptive, open, open to suggestions, open to new ideas, amenable, flexible, responsive, willing to change, undogmatic

    - a serious and open-minded newspaper
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    diligent and hard-working.
        - "an industrious people striving to make their country prosperous"
    Synonyms: hard-working, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, conscientious, steady, painstaking, persistent, persevering, pertinacious, unflagging, untiring, tireless, indefatigable, studious, busy, busy as a bee, active, bustling, energetic, on the go, vigorous, determined, dynamic, driven, zealous, productive, with one's shoulder to the wheel, with one's nose to the grindstone

        - laborious
        - hard-working, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, conscientious, steady, painstaking, persistent, persevering, pertinacious, unflagging, untiring, tireless, indefatigable, studious, busy, busy as a bee, active, bustling, energetic, on the go, vigorous, determined, dynamic, driven, zealous, productive, with one's shoulder to the wheel, with one's nose to the grindstone

    - an industrious people striving to make their country prosperous
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    hopeful and confident about the future.
        - "he was optimistic about the deal"
    Synonyms: encouraging, promising, hopeful, bright, rosy, reassuring, favorable, auspicious, propitious

        - upbeat
        - cheerful, cheery, positive, confident, hopeful, sanguine, bullish, buoyant, bright, disposed to look on the bright side, inclined to look through rose-colored spectacles, always expecting the best, full of hope, Pollyannaish, Panglossian
        - of good cheer
        - encouraging, promising, hopeful, bright, rosy, reassuring, favorable, auspicious, propitious

    - the optimistic mood of the Sixties

    - he was optimistic about the deal

    - previous estimates may be wildly optimistic
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
    Synonyms: sick person, case, sufferer, victim, invalid, convalescent, outpatient, day patient, inpatient, hospital patient, the sick, the infirm

    the semantic role of a noun phrase denoting something that is affected or acted upon by the action of a verb.

    able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
        - "be patient, your time will come"
    Synonyms: longanimous, equanimous, inexcitable

        - valetudinarian
        - sick person, case, sufferer, victim, invalid, convalescent, outpatient, day patient, inpatient, hospital patient, the sick, the infirm

        - persevering, persistent, tenacious, diligent, assiduous, indefatigable, dogged, determined, resolved, resolute, obstinate, insistent, single-minded, purposeful, pertinacious
        - forbearing, uncomplaining, tolerant, long-suffering, resigned, stoical, calm, composed, serene, even-tempered, tranquil, imperturbable, unexcitable, accommodating, understanding, indulgent, kind, considerate
        - unflappable, cool
        - longanimous, equanimous, inexcitable

    - be patient, your time will come

    - patient care
0x4byte commented 4 years ago

    consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
        - "a reliable source of information"
    Synonyms: dependable, good, well founded, well grounded, authentic, definitive, attested, valid, genuine, from the horse's mouth, sound, true, copper-bottomed

    a person or thing with trustworthy qualities.
        - "the supporting cast includes old reliables like Mitchell"

        - reputable, dependable, trustworthy, honest, responsible, established, proven, stable, sound, solid, secure, safe, safe as houses
        - dependable, safe, fail-safe, tried and tested, well built, well engineered, good
        - trustworthy, dependable, good, true, faithful, devoted, steady, steadfast, staunch, unswerving, unwavering, constant, loyal, trusty, dedicated, committed, unfailing, infallible, certain, sure, truthful, honest
        - dependable, good, well founded, well grounded, authentic, definitive, attested, valid, genuine, from the horse's mouth, sound, true, copper-bottomed

    - it's a reliable test

    - she's reliable

    - a reliable witness

    - a reliable source of information