0x5bfa / FluentHub

The best, stylish yet powerful GitHub client for Windows.
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Home page, buttons, overall functionality #459

Open okgamr opened 4 months ago

okgamr commented 4 months ago

Before you start

What version of Windows is this issue present?

Windows 11

What version/architecture of FluentHub are you on? | X64 | RELEASE


when i go to home, there's nothing on it, except the welcome sidebar and the title 'Dashboard' the sidebar doesn't work, as i can't open anything from there

Steps To Reproduce

No answer

Expected behavior

Stack Trace

Stack trace details what? there's no error page - the only error is the page itself aka No answer


the homepage on web github Captură de ecran 2024-02-25 194905

the fluenthub's homepage Captură de ecran 2024-02-25 194929

the fluenthub's homepage after 10 refreshes Captură de ecran 2024-02-25 195008

okgamr commented 4 months ago

yes, i've seen that nobody is making any updates till april, but i'll wait in the meanwhile you can also try resolving it and, at the release, this should be fixed (if you are working at a bug)

0x5bfa commented 4 months ago

I use C# GitHub API (wrapper of github graphql api & REST api) to retrieve every information. If you don't have any followings and repositories you watch there's nothing to show. Sadly, other information such as Explore and Latest changes cannot be shown because not disclosed as api.

Thanks for the feedback!

I'll add text on the center to tell user there's nothing to show. The next store release might be a month later, sorry for being inactive because I have study stuff.

okgamr commented 4 months ago

the dingus is, that the other problem is the sidebar: not showing all the repos as seen on web (which are there for contributing, creating issues, etc.), just those that are yours; and also the reload dingus: why does it duplicate the repos???

okgamr commented 4 months ago

oh, and the repos from the sidebar don't open: just click and nothing

okgamr commented 4 months ago

but the links from the notifications work. and the markdown support may be missing a lil bit, plus: can't send comments (seen when trying it right now therefore, the system has a little bit so much bugs

okgamr commented 3 months ago

sorry for being inactive because I have study stuff.

oh, i see. no problem, i have to study too 😅

0x5bfa commented 3 months ago

why does it duplicate the repos???

I can repro, will fix. Thanks!

the repos from the sidebar don't open

This is already supported in the latest branch but not released. Will be released soon!

markdown support may be missing a lil bit

Yeah I was using Web-based view but it was too heavy to load many comments. I'm seeking another solution to this. Maybe Markdig or something I will use.

oh, i see. no problem, i have to study too 😅

Thank you!

okgamr commented 3 months ago

I'll look for sth like m-down but for WinUI. I don't really know if, but i think you can use the normal text editing from the WinUI 3 gallery and try to find a converter or sth so on the web it'll be m-down. It's time to google!

0x5bfa commented 3 months ago

Normal editor should work for the time being but I wanna look for more featureful editor(maybe make by myself)

okgamr commented 3 months ago

I have an idea for the main page - maybe some 'last actions' (like commits, issues, etc) for the Dashboard. In that way, it wouldn't be empty

okgamr commented 3 months ago

I have an idea for the main page - maybe some 'last actions' (like commits, issues, etc) for the Dashboard. In that way, it wouldn't be empty

Oh, wait I missed the thing last done aren't included in api. But it should. If I'm wrong again tell me

okgamr commented 3 months ago

But it should

Then how does the GitHub App retrieves the last things u done? image

okgamr commented 3 months ago

Then how does the GitHub App retrieves the last things u done?

Ok, ok, even if the app itself it's originally from GitHub, BUT WHY THERE'S NOTHING FOR THE DEVS

okgamr commented 3 months ago

for me it seems Chinese, but it may be for some help


okgamr commented 3 months ago

I'll comment later here about all the infunctionalities in FluentHub There are too much of them sincerely

okgamr commented 3 months ago

not changed info at notifications, maybe from GitHub api not asked about updates on notifications about repos Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 145319

ok, this was already here, but it's not relevant Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 144534

disabled >:) Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 144018 Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143842 Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143819 Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143530

couldn't get the language from repos ig Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143509

maybe searching for more specific icons? this isn't sth from github, but it'd be fancy if we could have this (a chrome extension already did this) Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143447 Captură de ecran 2024-04-02 160624

more disabled >:) Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143426

THIS IS NOT LATEST VERSION Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143353

already discussed 'bout this :unamused: Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143246

nope, neither file for releases >:) Captură de ecran 2024-04-01 143156

that's what i noticed as for now, if i find more, i'll post them here >:)

0x5bfa commented 3 months ago

Appreciate them. I really wanna work on because I got about 1k for my app… but time won’t allow me to develop. I will use for the further improvements. You can keep posting here whatever you notice I don’t mind!

okgamr commented 3 months ago

I don’t mind!

wdym by that?

0x5bfa commented 3 months ago

Even if you keep posting your thoughts here, I don't mind and I appreciate.

okgamr commented 3 months ago

ok... i'll see more. and i might do a push few months later to see what i can fix (if i'd fix). Bye!

okgamr commented 3 months ago

this is fluenthub.png file from the repo image

and readme is not shown in the repo (aka this: image )

BUT we can see the code of the readme image

okgamr commented 3 months ago

o, ye, and the details of the issue image image

okgamr commented 2 months ago

disabled >:3 image

and the notifications need this image

okgamr commented 2 months ago

i found out this about the material icons for github:

Replace GitHub's default icons with icons from Visual Studio Code's Material Icon Theme icons. Use the same icons on your code editor and on github.com, and quickly identify file types, configuration files and project scaffolding at a glance.

okgamr commented 2 months ago

the pull request is really poor af, here's the github one vs the fluenthub version: image image

okgamr commented 2 months ago

Normal editor should work for the time being but I wanna look for more featureful editor(maybe make by myself)

found this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/communitytoolkit/controls/markdowntextblock and this: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI.Controls.Markdown/ use the markdown and winui styles for text, look for how are the exact markdown shown in winui and seek for a converter (this is really bad organised but maybe you can understand what i wrote :)), also i found this: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/import-export/markdown-import-export/defaultcs.aspx

okgamr commented 2 months ago

just telling you: everything i say here is exactly after school and sometimes in between classes - aka don't worry if you don't have time, cuz i do! :trollface: - and also just wanted to note this here

okgamr commented 2 months ago

disabled image

okgamr commented 2 months ago

seen that i can't open someone's profile other than mine - but there are still differences: image image

okgamr commented 2 months ago

use the markdown and winui styles for text, look for how are the exact markdown shown in winui and seek for a converter (this is really bad organised but maybe you can understand what i wrote :)), also i found this: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/import-export/markdown-import-export/defaultcs.aspx

sorry, didn't review the link from there. that's just a way to implement M↓ into web (aka html) not WinUI 3

okgamr commented 2 months ago


are u there? for M↓ i found the sollution: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/communitytoolkit/controls/markdowntextblock

0x5bfa commented 2 months ago

Yeah I' reading.

Btw it's deprecated from version 8.0 because its codebase was too complicated and they are planning to add a new parser. O think I will introduce that or stick around WebView2 of it looks bad. You may know that control is poor at selecting freely.

and the notifications need this

Didn't I have that? Colored empty box I've added to some pages.

okgamr commented 2 months ago

so it's maybe not a sollution?

okgamr commented 2 months ago

Didn't I have that? Colored empty box I've added to some pages.

maybe didn't see it. btw i'm not at the bussiness laptop now so i can't see this asap. also, i was telling about the power to make even more organisation

0x5bfa commented 2 months ago

Yeah for now sticking with WebView2 is the best. I disabled them because I introduced that when the control is in preview and it was unstable.

okgamr commented 2 months ago

ChatGPT 3.5 answer about 4 minutes ago:

To include Markdown rendering in a WinUI 3 application, you'll need to use a third-party library or develop your own Markdown renderer. As of my last update in January 2022, WinUI 3 itself does not natively support Markdown rendering. However, you can integrate existing libraries into your WinUI 3 project to achieve this functionality. Here's a general approach:

  1. Choose a Markdown library: Look for a Markdown library that supports rendering Markdown content into your WinUI 3 application. Popular options include Markdig, MarkdownSharp, and CommonMark. Make sure the library you choose is compatible with .NET Core or .NET 5/6, which are commonly used with WinUI 3.
  2. Integrate the library into your project: Follow the documentation provided by the chosen library to integrate it into your WinUI 3 project. This typically involves adding the library package to your project using NuGet Package Manager and configuring it according to the library's guidelines.
  3. Render Markdown content: Once the library is integrated, you can use its API to render Markdown content. This typically involves providing the Markdown text as input to the library's rendering function and obtaining the rendered output, which you can then display in your WinUI 3 application.
  4. Display the rendered content: Depending on your application's requirements, you can display the rendered Markdown content in various UI elements such as TextBlocks, RichTextBlocks, or WebView controls within your WinUI 3 application. Keep in mind that while using third-party libraries can be convenient, you should also consider factors such as licensing, community support, and maintenance when choosing a library for your project. Additionally, be sure to check for any updates or changes to WinUI 3 that may impact your chosen approach.
okgamr commented 2 months ago

Yeah for now sticking with WebView2 is the best. I disabled them because I introduced that when the control is in preview and it was unstable.


okgamr commented 2 months ago

While WebView2 itself doesn't have native support for Markdown rendering, you can leverage its capabilities to display Markdown content by using JavaScript libraries designed for Markdown rendering within the WebView2 control.

that means javascript

0x5bfa commented 2 months ago

maybe didn't see it. btw i'm not at the bussiness laptop now so i can't see this asap. also, i was telling about the power to make even more organisation

Oh yeah I've been thinking about that page's featuring because most people see that page frequently and it should be featureful. Was seeing designs from Pinterest and Dribble.

okgamr commented 2 months ago

maybe didn't see it. btw i'm not at the bussiness laptop now so i can't see this asap. also, i was telling about the power to make even more organisation

Oh yeah I've been thinking about that page's featuring because most people see that page frequently and it should be featureful. Was seeing designs from Pinterest and Dribble.

genius :smiley:

0x5bfa commented 2 months ago

No html and css files, which I already have for FluentHub. What I just need is to use WebView2 control.

okgamr commented 2 months ago

ye, how 'bout this? https://chat.openai.com/share/99563507-743d-4bde-b25b-c9dc869151260 it actually just makes M↓ into c#

okgamr commented 2 months ago

nope, i was trapped: ` // Embed the HTML content into a basic HTML template return $@" <!DOCTYPE html>

Markdown Renderer {htmlContent} ";` bruh, and it uses html to call javascript and invoke markdown
okgamr commented 2 months ago

BUT everything is involved into c#. ig this is for the webview: // Call the JavaScript function with the Markdown content await webView.CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync(jsFunction); string htmlContent = await webView.CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync($"convertMarkdownToHtml({markdownContent})"); return htmlContent;

0x5bfa commented 2 months ago

ye, how 'bout this? https://chat.openai.com/share/99563507-743d-4bde-b25b-c9dc869151260

it actually just makes M↓ into c#

I can't access. Can you send screenshot?

okgamr commented 2 months ago

the chatgpt 4 killer, claude 3 opus, says:

Here are the steps to integrate Markdown rendering into a C# WinUI 3 application:

1. Add the Windows Community Toolkit NuGet Package

  1. Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select "Manage NuGet Packages."
  2. Search for "CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI.Controls" and install the package. [citation:6][citation:8][citation:15]

2. Add the Markdown XAML Control to Your Page

  1. Open the XAML file where you want to display the Markdown content.
  2. Add the following namespace declaration to the top of the file:
  1. Add the MarkdownTextBlock control to your XAML:
<controls:MarkdownTextBlock x:Name="MarkdownText" />


3. Set the Markdown Content in C

  1. In the code-behind file (e.g., MainPage.xaml.cs), find the constructor or the OnNavigatedTo method.
  2. Set the Text property of the MarkdownTextBlock to your Markdown content:
MarkdownText.Text = "# Hello, Markdown!\n\nThis is a **bold** text.";


4. Customize the Appearance (Optional)

You can customize the appearance of the rendered Markdown by setting various properties of the MarkdownTextBlock control, such as FontFamily, FontSize, Foreground, etc.

<controls:MarkdownTextBlock x:Name="MarkdownText"
                            FontFamily="Segoe UI"
                            Foreground="Black" />


That's it! You have now successfully integrated Markdown rendering into your C# WinUI 3 application using the Windows Community Toolkit. The MarkdownTextBlock control will automatically parse and render the Markdown content you set in the Text property.

Remember to handle any exceptions that may occur during the Markdown parsing process and to test your application thoroughly to ensure the Markdown rendering works as expected.


okgamr commented 2 months ago

ye, how 'bout this? https://chat.openai.com/share/99563507-743d-4bde-b25b-c9dc869151260 it actually just makes M↓ into c#

I can't access. Can you send screenshot?

sorry i added more questions and forgot to update link for share: https://chat.openai.com/share/99563507-743d-4bde-b25b-c9dc86915126

wait, i forgot to take off that 0 (misclicked) after the link, that's why 404

okgamr commented 2 months ago

here is the claude convo: https://www.getmerlin.in/share/chat/LE_KM6HliBo

okgamr commented 2 months ago

here is the claude convo: https://www.getmerlin.in/share/chat/LE_KM6HliBo

but it's still using the markdown text block - aka not webview

okgamr commented 2 months ago

here's the updated chat: https://www.getmerlin.in/share/chat/KSJJeEJ28Nx