0x5e / homebridge-tuya-platform

Make homebridge-tuya-platform great again.
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Token expired response earlier than claimed token validity #445

Open czbird77 opened 4 months ago

czbird77 commented 4 months ago





Device Infomation JSON File

No response

Device Control Mode



^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:08:35 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m [Předsíň LED Strip] Characteristic.ColorTemperature set to: 356
^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:08:35 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m [TuyaOpenAPI] Request:
method = post
endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com
path = /v1.0/devices/bfcb30c94d023b1370nx3p/commands
query = null
headers = {
  "t": "1707289715246",
  "client_id": "***",
  "nonce": "d28b1c0f-97e8-4ea1-a428-16f129dc4d34",
  "Signature-Headers": "client_id",
  "sign": "A30D2A948095754FBC4913FE18243BA2F6FA3EB6AEFDEDFFE8EAB7539B2DBF6C",
  "sign_method": "HMAC-SHA256",
  "access_token": "***",
  "lang": "en",
  "dev_lang": "javascript",
  "dev_channel": "homebridge",
  "devVersion": "1.7.0-beta.52"
body = {
  "commands": [
      "code": "work_mode",
      "value": "white"
      "code": "temp_value",
      "value": 157
^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:08:35 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m [TuyaOpenAPI] Response:
path = /v1.0/devices/bfcb30c94d023b1370nx3p/commands
data = {
  "code": 1010,
  "msg": "token is expired",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1707289715348,
  "tid": "b59f2085c58711eeb4228e673063ebcd"
^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:08:35 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m ^[[31m[TuyaOpenAPI] Token expired. Tuya Cloud don't support running multiple HomeBridge/HomeAssistant instance with same tuya account.^[[39m

Other Infomations

Hi, from yesterday, the plugin only works for 2 hours, then it starts getting "token expired" responses from tuya. It does not refresh the token in time, it seems.

czbird77 commented 4 months ago

When HB is restarted, the plugin gets new token just fine... expire time is 7200, then it expires again

czbird77 commented 4 months ago

It seems that tuya returns expired token earlier than claimed 7200s ... see below - what can be done about it? Thanks!

8:49 token received 10:07 first token expired response logged 10:48 scheduled token refresh failed - token expired response

8:49 token received

^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:53 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m ^[[90mExecuted didFinishLaunching callback^[[39m ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:53 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m Log in to Tuya Cloud. ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:53 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m [TuyaOpenAPI] Login to: https://openapi.tuyaeu.com ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:53 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m [TuyaOpenAPI] Request: method = post endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com path = /v1.0/iot-01/associated-users/actions/authorized-login query = null headers = { "t": "1707292193945", "client_id": "***", "nonce": "c247a08b-afac-4f06-b4d3-bd52ab91be84", "Signature-Headers": "client_id", "sign": "088119C256C15244350F3D5F59DF4A655073554B75A6DDF0EB7CFFD5D33B8A03", "sign_method": "HMAC-SHA256", "access_token": "", "lang": "en", "dev_lang": "javascript", "dev_channel": "homebridge", "devVersion": "1.7.0-beta.52" } body = { "country_code": 420, "username": "czbird77@gmail.com", "password": "5b4ac9d355c33adda90d4bb9b4299d8a", "schema": "tuyaSmart" } ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:54 AM] ^[[39mHomebridge v1.7.0 (HAP v0.11.1) (TuyaPlatform) is running on port 59004. ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:54 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[homebridge-lg-thinq]^[[39m ^[[90m[request] get https://route.lgthinq.com:46030/v1/service/application/gateway-uri^[[39m ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:54 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m [TuyaOpenAPI] Response: path = /v1.0/iot-01/associated-users/actions/authorized-login data = { "result": { "access_token": "aa300271ae8a22ba7eacee5c7fae015b", "expire_time": 7200, "platform_url": "https://openapi.tuyaeu.com", "refresh_token": "d518f6e1ab605c465da5d6654c0731cc", "uid": "eu1684426507105GX2vl" }, "success": true, "t": 1707292194252, "tid": "7b228750c58d11eea4757ade033758b0" } ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:54 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m Start MQTT connection. ^[[37m[2/7/2024, 8:49:54 AM] ^[[39m^[[36m[TuyaPlatform]^[[39m Fetching home list.

10:07 -- token expired ???

[2/7/2024, 10:07:57 AM] [TuyaPlatform] [TuyaOpenAPI] Request: method = post endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com path = /v1.0/devices/bfcb30c94d023b1370nx3p/commands query = null headers = { "t": "1707296877266", "client_id": "***", "nonce": "bfc4aad7-64d9-4f42-9f43-626567606b70", "Signature-Headers": "client_id", "sign": "BD9C628F721D70A4C24C6DD202095DD814E148B7EE402CDF267E95EF91ED125B", "sign_method": "HMAC-SHA256", "access_token": "aa300271ae8a22ba7eacee5c7fae015b", "lang": "en", "dev_lang": "javascript", "dev_channel": "homebridge", "devVersion": "1.7.0-beta.52" } body = { "commands": [ { "code": "work_mode", "value": "white" }, { "code": "temp_value", "value": 215 } ] } [2/7/2024, 10:07:57 AM] [TuyaPlatform] [TuyaOpenAPI] Response: path = /v1.0/devices/bf6bccd10c189df0a7bcqi/commands data = { "code": 1010, "msg": "token is expired", "success": false, "t": 1707296877368, "tid": "6283d688c59811eea4757ade033758b0" }

10:48 refresh failed -- expired

[2/7/2024, 10:48:54 AM] [TuyaPlatform] [TuyaOpenAPI] Refreshing access_token [2/7/2024, 10:48:54 AM] [TuyaPlatform] [TuyaOpenAPI] Request: method = get endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com path = /v1.0/token/d518f6e1ab605c465da5d6654c0731cc query = undefined headers = { "t": "1707299334492", "client_id": "***", "nonce": "9cc549c8-b137-49fb-99c9-7af55b6d1b52", "Signature-Headers": "client_id", "sign": "3390042D11B74DC0604AAE5B044262C80F54B88816E3A5DAAE5C78B91B64B3FB", "sign_method": "HMAC-SHA256", "access_token": "aa300271ae8a22ba7eacee5c7fae015b", "lang": "en", "dev_lang": "javascript", "dev_channel": "homebridge", "devVersion": "1.7.0-beta.52" } body = null [2/7/2024, 10:48:54 AM] [TuyaPlatform] [TuyaOpenAPI] Response: path = /v1.0/token/d518f6e1ab605c465da5d6654c0731cc data = { "code": 1010, "msg": "token is expired", "success": false, "t": 1707299334606, "tid": "1b237872c59e11eea80ac21fcdf0c8ac" }

czbird77 commented 4 months ago

The issue fixed itself after tuya account password was changed. Please close.