0x6d69636b / windows_hardening

HardeningKitty and Windows Hardening Settings
MIT License
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Update finding_list_0x6d69636b_machine.csv #103

Closed rafalfitt closed 2 years ago

rafalfitt commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately recommended option 5 is less secure than 2: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20160816-00/?p=94105

rafalfitt commented 2 years ago

value "2" protects against LOLBin/LOLBAS - misuse of builtin MS programs/scripts. check https://lolbas-project.github.io/

rafalfitt commented 2 years ago


0x6d69636b commented 2 years ago

Thank you for spotting this bug. The documentation has the correct value, but the csv was wrong