0x776b7364 / toggle.sg-download

Python script to automate Toggle.sg video downloads
MIT License
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File not saved after downloading and encoding #20

Closed DavidLTX closed 8 years ago

DavidLTX commented 8 years ago

Thanks for this python script. I've just downloaded it a few days ago. Finally managed to get all the files in the right places. However it doesn't seems to save the .mp4 after it was done with download and and encoding.

I've attached a screenshot of the cmd.


How should I save the file after the ffmpeg is done with the encoding ?

Thanks for the help.

gromgit commented 8 years ago

I use Linux myself, but unless there's something unique about the way Python in Windows handles files, the resulting video should be in the directory from which you ran the script (i.e. C:\ in the above screenshot).

DavidLTX commented 8 years ago

Hi Gromgit, thanks for your reply. I've tried it again.


It's not in the C:\ or the C:\Python27

I've also added the initial commands just in case I type in something wrong there.


peterhoeg commented 8 years ago

Do users normally have access to write to the root of the C-drive? Try running it from somewhere else like "My Documents" or the Desktop.

0x776b7364 commented 8 years ago

I've just tried the script against the link http://video.toggle.sg/en/series/sealed-with-a-kiss-tif/webisodes/bloopers-1/342292. Both IPH and STB versions get correctly downloaded and stored on disk. Perhaps check your folder permissions? Also, try navigating to the Python27 folder, then running the script, as such:

C:\Python27>download_toggle_video2.py http://video.toggle.sg/en/series/sealed-with-a-kiss-tif/webisodes/bloopers-1/342292

and not:

C:\>Python27\download_toggle_video2.py http://video.toggle.sg/en/series/sealed-with-a-kiss-tif/webisodes/bloopers-1/342292

I did not consider local/relative file paths; I guess I could include that in future.

anurupborah2001 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the python Script .I have tried to download from toggle but i am unsuccessful to do it. I have run the script as below : (download_toggle_video2.py http://video.toggle.sg/en/tv-show/news/mar-2016-cna-singapore-tonight/thu-31-mar-2016/388313)


Please kindly suggest what shall I do on my end.

0x776b7364 commented 8 years ago

That's easy - use Python 2.7. :) Python 3 is not supported yet.

anurupborah2001 commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot ..its working now

0x776b7364 commented 8 years ago

Issue closed due to inactivity. Please re-open this issue if you're still having problems.